Chapter Twelve


I hang up the phone after talking to Blue, and bite my lip in worry. It’s Friday evening, the night of Ava’s birthday. Blue called to tell me he was running late, but he was on his way to the private airstrip.

I glance at my watch and see that’s it’s already close to seven. He told me this morning he had a meeting out of town, but said he’d be back before I left to go to Blackie’s. With his meeting running late, he said for me to go ahead and he’ll meet me there. Luckily, he owns his own jet, and as long as the weather permits, can take off anytime he wants.

It’s not me going to Blackie’s alone that has me concerned, it’s the little niggle of pain that’s steadily getting worse. Just as I’d feared, it started getting worse again a couple days ago. I haven’t told Blue, not wanting to alarm him. I’ve been able to hide it, but I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to continue to. He’s very intuitive, and can normally tell when something is bothering me. To say I was disappointed when the pain started getting bad again is a huge understatement. I wanted Blue’s words the other day at the park to be true so bad, but it looks like I’m destined to deal with this forever. I just wonder how long Blue can handle it. The sex between us is phenomenal, but who wants a sexually dependent woman hanging off their shoulder all the time? Eventually, his work and our lives will get in the way. I dread that day more than anything, because I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle the pain I endured a few weeks ago without seeking out relief. But what scares me the most, what has my chest tightening so much it nearly crushes my lungs,

is the pain I’ll feel at losing him.

I take one more look in the mirror to ensure my make-up and hair is good, before walking out to living room to grab my purse and keys. My palms are sweaty as I close and lock my apartment door behind me.

Forty-five minutes later, I’m walking into Blackie’s, and am met with the usual loud music, and the smell of alcohol and sex. It’s been three weeks since I’ve been here, but it feels like three months. I was used to coming here at least five days a week. It feels strange to be back now. It doesn’t feel right, almost like I’m slipping back into my old life before I met Blue.

Pain hits my chest at the thought. I don’t want to go back to that life. I want the one I have with Blue.

I spot Ava, Nathan, and Tegan, sitting at a high-top table and make my way over to them.

Ava glances over my shoulder as I approach.

“Is Colt getting you a drink?” she asks.

“No.” I take a seat on one of the stools. “He’s going to be here in a little bit. His meeting ran late.”

She looks over to Nathan, who’s watching me closely. I ignore them and signal a waitress over to order a drink.

“What?” I ask sharply, when I find them still looking at me worriedly after the waitress walks off.

“You okay?” Ava puts her elbows on the table, her pink drink clutched in one hand and nibbling on her bottom lip.

“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?” My tone comes out defensive.

“It’s just…” She trails off, looking over to Nathan, and then Tegan. She shifts nervously in her seat. It’s not often I see a nervous Ava. She’s normally all about speaking her mind, whether the person likes it or not, and that includes me, Nathan, and Tegan.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, spit it out!” I spew, tired of the secret looks they’re sharing.

Instead of Ava opening her mouth to tell me what the deal is, Tegan gets up from his chair and walks around to my side. He sidles up next to me and throws an arm around my shoulders.

“It’s nothing. Just ignore those two clowns and come dance with me.”

He leads me to the dance floor and turns to face me. It’s a slow song, so he pulls me into his arms by my waist, and mine go around his neck. His leg goes slightly between mine, like how they do in the movie Dirty Dancing, and he starts swaying us to the seductive music. Tegan is a damn good dancer.

“What the hell was that about?” I ask, then slide his Aviators back up his head when they start slipping down. Tegan and his damn glasses that he’s never seen without.

“They’re just worried. You came in looking a little pale. You’ve been with Colt every night for the past three weeks, and this is the first time you haven’t been. They know your schedule.”

There’s no need for him to elaborate on the schedule comment. I know just what he means. They know when my body goes into sexual overdrive. It’s coming up on eight at night, about the time I start my prowl for a guy. I not only know this because I looked at the time on my phone before I walked in the bar, but also because the cramps are starting to get worse, and I’m starting to sweat and get jittery.


He sways us back and forth, his thigh briefly brushing against my center every few seconds. If he wasn’t my friend and I wasn’t with Blue, Tegan would make an excellent candidate for the night. He knows how to make the girls fall at his feet. Of course, Tegan and I have had sex before, but I only go to him if I can’t find someone else, or Nathan isn’t available.

“They’re concerned that he won’t make it here in time, especially Nathan,” he explains.

“Well, they’re concerned for nothing,” I tell him stubbornly. “Blue will be here.” I have no reason to doubt Blue, but a small part of me is worried myself.

“I know he will.”