I understand his need to protect Abby, and I appreciate that she has a friend so loyal to her, but his dagger-like gaze is pissing me off. I’ve done nothing to warrant it.

Abby jerks beside me and a second later, I see Nathan wince. I almost laugh when I realize she kicked him under the table.

“Knock it off, Nathan,” she hisses, drawing the attention of the others.

He bares his teeth, but he drops the look almost immediately. “I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

“And you automatically think I’ll hurt her?” I raise my brow.

“You know her… situation. You also must know she hasn’t had a good track record with good guys. They either want to sell her body to other men because they know she needs sex, or they look at her with disgust when they find out.”

My eyes swing to Abby’s, who’s shooting her own dagger-like stare at Nathan. This is news to me. She never told me she’s been approached to sell her body. My blood turns to lava at the thought of some asshole asking her to prostitute herself. I want to find something and destroy it with my fists. What the fuck is wrong with people?

“What the hell is he talking about, Abby?” I growl.

“Nothing. It only happened a couple times, years ago. I refused, and one of them didn’t like it. He tried forcing me into a car, but Nathan was there to stop them. You’ll be pleased to know his face wasn’t recognizable when he was done with him.”

I reach under the table and grab her hand. She may try to hide it, but I can see the pain in her eyes. She’s been hurt so much, and having someone ask her to sell her body was a new low for her. I remember my comment the first night we had sex, about her selling herself, and shame slams into me. I was such an asshole. No wonder she looked so hurt. She should have done more than slap me. She should have kneed me in the balls. Twice.

I look back at Nathan, my respect for him going up a notch, knowing he fucked the guy up that came at her.

“You don’t know me, and have no reason to believe me, but I give you my word, I won’t hurt her.”

“You’re right, I don’t know you. Your word means nothing to me, but if Abby’s happy, that’s all I want. But, the first sign that you’re fucking up, what I did to that guy will look pretty compared to what I’ll do to you.”

I hold his stare, not backing down. As much as I want to bristle at the threat and leave the imprint of my fist on his face, I know he has to make it. Abby is his friend, and he obviously cares about her. I just hope it’s in a pure, friendly way.

I nod, but I now have my own point to make.

“Fair enough, but now it’s my turn to make something clear. She doesn’t need you anymore.” I hold my hand up to stop his retort. “In bed,” I clarify. “I’ve got her covered from now on. When she needs someone, I’m there, no one else.” I look over to Tegan to make sure he gets my meaning as well. His answering smirk and chin lift says he does. I bring my eyes back to Nathan. His temple is pulsing and his jaw is hard.

“Just make sure you are there for her,” he says harshly.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Abby says loudly, slapping the table in front of her. “Both of you, stop.”

My hand slides from hers, and I place it on her bare thigh. Goose bumps appear on her legs. She looks over at me, her eyes still hard, and I lean down to give her a soft kiss on the lips. Her expression softens, which is what I was aiming for.

Someone sucks in a sharp breath. When I pull back and look across the table, I see surprise on Ava’s face. Nathan’s is blank, but I can tell he was taken by surprise by the kiss as well. I smirk at him. Neither says anything about the kiss.

The heavy atmosphere lifts after mine and Nathan’s heated exchange. I understand his point of view, and I think he gets mine. I know I’ll need to prove to all of them that I’m in this for the long haul, and not because I can get sex on a regular basis from Abby. Luckily, Ava and Tegan seem to be warming up to me pretty fast. Nathan stays quiet during most of dinner, unless he’s asked a direct question. I’ve gathered from the few times I’ve been to Silver Technologies, that this is his normal behavior. He’s a quiet and watchful person. I remember Abby mentioning that she, Nathan, and Tegan were in the sexual addictions support group. I wonder what his addiction is?

Tegan seems like he’s more open and friendly, even a jokester at times. Ava, on the other hand, who I learned she met at a bar years ago, I can’t figure out. She’s seems nice enough, but I get the sense she’s just as hard as Abby, maybe even harder, she’s just better at hiding it. One thing I do know is that these four have a very close friendship. I also know that they are who helped keep Abby sane. I’m grateful for that.

By the time we’re done eating, Abby seems more comfortable than I’ve ever seen her. It’s nice seeing her this open. Her friends bring that out in her, and I hope one day I can too. I know over time I can, and it’s time I know will be well worth putting in.

The waitress brings the bill, and I pull my wallet out to pay, at the same time Nathan pulls his out. I see the words on his mouth before he even says them. “I’ve got it.”

“You get the rest, I’ll take care of me and Abby.”

He wants to protest, I can see it plain as day on his face, but one look from Abby has him relenting with a sigh.

Overall, I think it went well. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover with Nathan, but I’m confident I can get him to see I have no intentions of leaving or hurting Abby.

“You and Colt are coming to Blackie’s on Friday, right?” Ava asks, once we’re standing outside, getting ready to say our good-byes.

“I’m not sure…” she stops and looks at me.

We met at Blackie’s, and I’ve told her of my abhorrent dislike of the place. Of course, my main issue is the owner, and his place in my sister’s life. Even still, if it’s something Abby wants to do, I can overlook the bastard for a few hours. Maybe I’ll get lucky and won’t see him at all.