“So, if there ever were a time I couldn’t be there for you, you would at least try to stave off the cravings until I could?”

She huffs out a breath, obviously not liking my line of questioning, but answers anyway.

“Yes, but Blue, when those cramps start and I become delirious, I can’t promise what might happen. Sometimes, I’m so out of it, I don’t realize what I’m doing.”

“I trust you.”

“Well, you’re stupid.”

I smile. “I’ll take that chance.”

She blows out a frustrated breath and throws her hands in the air, before letting them slap back down on her thighs.

I scoot closer to her and her eyes narrow in warning. I stop just before my leg meets her feet.

“Do you want a relationship with me, Abby?”

She looks at me, and I can see the answer in her eyes before she says anything. I can see the desperate longing, and right then, I know I’m doing the right thing. I want this woman more than I’ve ever wanted another. It’s crazy and stupid, because we haven’t known each other long. Neither of us know much about the other, but we’ve both felt the pull.

“Yes,” she whispers. I know she’s been hurt in the past. The need to prove to her that I won’t is as uncontrollable as when her body takes over and demands she satisfy it with sex.

“Then give us a chance. I promise to try my hardest to be there when you need me, and if the time comes that I can’t, we’ll work around it. I know there will be hard times, I don’t expect it to be easy, but don’t you deserve happiness, just as much as I do? We could be happy together, Abby, if you’ll just say yes and take that leap with me.”

I wait, my breath caught in my throat. If she says no, I won’t give up trying. I’ll be more determined than ever, but I fervently hope she’ll say yes. I don’t know what it is about this girl, but for some unknown reason, I know she’s supposed to be in my life.

After several seconds, the indecision fades away from her face and a look of determination replaces it. My fucking heart sings, and I breathe easy when she says, “Yes.”

“Thank fuck,” I mutter, and reach out for her. “Now, get your ass over here.” I haul her laughing form into mine and have us lying with me on top of her before she realizes what’s hit her.

Chapter Ten


I juggle the bags in one hand as I try to quickly unlock my apartment door with the other. Once I manage to get it unlocked, I rush to the kitchen and deposit the bags on the counter, just as my phone starts to ring again. Blowing my hair out of my face, I swipe the screen without looking at it.


“Abby, dear, are you okay?” my mom asks in my ear.

“I’m fine, Mom.” I walk over to the counter and start unloading the groceries from the bags.

“Why are you out of breath?” she questions suspiciously.

I love my mom, but she’s nosy.

“I was rushing to get inside my apartment because my phone was ringing.”

I put the phone to my shoulder as I carry over a couple boxes of mac and cheese, and several cans of soup to the pantry, before going back for more.

“Oh.” She laughs with apparent relief. “I was worried I caught you in the middle of… something.”

I come to a halt and sputter out my own laugh. My mom’s got to be the only mom in the world who would think I would answer my phone when she was calling, while having sex. If she only knew I keep my extracurricular activities to nighttime hours.

“You don’t ever have to worry about that. I would not be answering the phone if I were having sex, especially if you’re calling.”

I walk back to the counter and start pulling out fridge items.

Her laugh is strained when she replies. “That’s good to know. How have you been?”