One of the puppies, which my mother fell in love with and informed my father she was taking one home, starts barking. Thinking, no hoping, it’s Gwen and the kids pulling up the driveway, I walk briskly to the door and snatch it open. I check the yard, I check the driveway, and I check the road in front of my property and don’t see her car.

One of the puppies rushes past me out the door, and I bend down and scoop it back up, taking it back inside with me.

I bring my phone screen to life and curse under my breath when it reveals nothing.

My mom walks out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel, and sees me standing by the door. I’m sure my face reveals my worry.

“What’s wrong, dear?” she asks, walking over to me.

“Gwen was supposed to be here ten minutes ago.”

Understanding dawns on her face and she places a hand on my arm. The gesture is for comfort, but it does nothing for me.

“I’m sure they’re fine.”

I nod and try to force a smile, but I know it comes out flat. Something tells me they aren’t fine. My mind screams that something happened to them.

“Come on,” she says, gesturing to the kitchen behind her. “You can help me with the salad.”

“I don’t—”

The ringing of my phone stops me, and I immediately bring it up to look at the screen.

Gwen calling.

Instant relief hits me.

I swipe my finger across the screen and bring it to my ear.

“Gwen, where—”

“A-alexander,” Kelsey’s tearful voice interrupts me.

Ice replaces the blood in my veins at the sound of her frightful tone. The hand on my phone clenches, and I have to force it to relax before it crushes the device.

“Kelsey, what’s wrong, sweetie?” My voice comes out strained.

“W-we got into a-a wreck and t-the c-car’s upside d-down,” she sputters out.

My heart feels like it’s trying to beat out of my chest, so I pull in a deep breath and try to calm myself down before I lose it. Kelsey’s upset enough, so I need to keep my cool for her, even though every-fucking-thing inside me tries to pull me down a dark hole. Memories try to surface and it takes every bit of strength I have to push them back. I keep my head down and my eyes pinned on my feet, forcing myself to focus.

“Where’s Daniel and your mom? Are you all okay?” I ask Kelsey hoarsely.

“Y-es. Dan-daniel’s right here. M-me and him are o-okay.” At the mention of his name, I hear him cry in the background.

Some of my worry lessens at knowing he’s alive, but she still hasn’t fully answered my question.

“Kelsey, where’s your mom?”

Instead of answering, she starts crying into the phone, and I swear my heart stops and drops to my fucking toes.

I hear my mom talking to me and see my dad walking over, but I zone them both out.

“Kelsey,” I say more forcefully, but try my best to keep my tone calm. “Your mom… where is she?”

She sniffles a couple times, then finally says, “S-she’s s-still in the f-front seat. We keep calling h-her n-name, but s-she’s not w-waking up and s-she has b-blood on her h-head.”