“That’s my sister, Kelsey.” He points his thumb over his shoulder at her.

“Hello, Kelsey,” James says, his voice turning soft.

Of course, Kelsey neither talks nor offers a smile. I see the question in James’ eyes, so I offer a smile and give him a brief explanation. “She doesn’t talk. Please don’t take it personally.”

He smiles and nods. The girl beside him moves from one foot to the other, and James’ eyes snap to hers.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her cheek. “Lydia, I’d like you to meet Alexander, Gwen, Daniel, and Kelsey.”

We all say hello and she echoes our greeting.

Alexander and James chat for a few minutes, and I end up fidgeting in my seat because every few seconds, James looks my way. His eyes hold questions and curiosity. As a distraction, I start up a conversation with Lydia. I learn that she lives in the next town over and works as a dispatcher for a big trucking company. This surprises me as she doesn’t appear the type to communicate with big, burly truck drivers on a daily basis. She’s beautiful in the traditional way, with thick gorgeous blond hair, green eyes, and a slim body with curves in all the right places. She also seems very sweet and innocent.

“You ready?” James asks Lydia, stopping our conversation.

She smiles at him and the love she obviously feels for him is plain to see. If I’m being honest, I feel a bit jealous at their open affection toward each other. I want that with Alexander.

Once they leave, Alexander stands to go pay for our food, after adamantly refusing my offer to pay for mine and the kids’. The kids and I gather our coats and meet Alexander at the door. He gets a few more glances, but he ignores it, seemingly not bothered by it anymore.

When we pull up to the house a few minutes later. Daniel drags Alexander to his room to show him his car collection the minute they step inside. I tell Kelsey to grab a shower, and I sit at the kitchen table to start grading papers. Every few minutes, I hear Daniel giggle and it makes me smile.

I’m flipping over the last paper and just about to go check on Daniel and Alexander when Daniel comes to my side. Looking at my watch, I’m surprised to see two hours have already passed.

“I’m tired, Mom,” he says, rubbing his eyes. He already has his pajamas on, showing he really is tired.

I look behind him, expecting to see Alexander, but don’t.

“Come on, kid. Let’s go brush your teeth, and I’ll tuck you in.”

“Can Alexander do it?” He yawns as he walks sleepily beside me to the bathroom.

“How about I send him in to tell you good night?”

He nods, then grabs his toothbrush and smothers it with toothpaste.

Curiosity has me looking down the hall as Daniel brushes his teeth. Kelsey’s light is on with the door open halfway, but I can’t tell if he’s in there or not.

Once in bed, Pepper tucked against his side, I pull the covers over him and kiss him good night.

“Love you.”

“Love you too, Mom. Don’t forget to send Alexander in here.”

I smile. “I won’t.” I flip the light off and pull his door closed.

For some reason, my heart starts to pound heavily in my chest as I walk quietly to Kelsey’s room. I know before I reach her door that Alexander’s inside. I creep along until I’m just outside her door. His deep voice stops me from going further.

“I had a little girl,” he says quietly, and even out here I can hear the torment in his voice. I hold my breath as he continues. “But I lost her a few years ago. She and my wife drowned.”

Tears threaten to form in my eyes at the memory of him recounting what happened to his wife and baby when we were sitting under the bridge. I know how painful that was for him, so for him to be talking about it now with Kelsey means a lot. I hope he doesn’t go into detail. It would be too much for someone Kelsey’s age to handle. Hell, it’s too much for an adult to handle.

I peek around the doorframe, making sure to stay out of sight. I’ve seen the tortured expression on his face tonight when Kelsey wouldn’t look at him. I know this is something he needs to do to try to make amends with her. I think Kelsey needs it as well. She’s was very hurt by his rejection a few weeks ago. I just hope she gives him a chance to explain and make it right.

When they come in view, I find Kelsey sitting against the headboard with her legs crossed, her blanket tucked around her. Alexander sits about midway up the bed, his hands clasped firmly in his lap. His knuckles are white, so I know he’s clenching his fingers tightly. He’s looking down at his hands, but she has her eyes on him. Pain etches her face.

“The day you, your brother, and your mom came to the house, Christmas Day, was the day before the anniversary of when they died.” He lifts his head. From where I’m standing, I can’t see his face, but I know it carries hurt as well. “I wasn’t in a very good place at the time because I miss them so much, especially during Christmas.”

He stops talking and Kelsey just stares at him. Looking down, I see her gripping the blanket in her lap. I hate to see two people I care about in so much pain.