His eyes look over my shoulder

to the car, then back to me.


“Are you sure?”

Instead of answering, he looks out across the yard.

“Fuck,” he hisses.

The next second, he’s off the porch and barreling toward the barn. The door was closed when we first got here, I remember looking at it and seeing it closed, but now it’s open by several feet. With my heart in my throat, I run after Alexander. From the way his feet eat up the ground and the look on his face when he saw the door open, there’s something more to worry about than the kids being with the horses, even though that thought alone is enough to send terror through me. They’ve only been around horses a couple of times. They’re so big compared to my little kids, so the damage that could be done….

I push those thoughts away, refusing to allow them entrance into my mind.

“Oh God, oh God. Please don’t let anything happen to my kids.”

Up ahead, Alexander skids to a stop, grabbing hold of the door so he doesn’t slide past it, and rushes inside out of view.

I’m panting and my heart races when I make it to the door. The sun is shining bright outside, so when I run inside, I’m momentarily blinded by the dark interior. I widen my eyes in a hopeless attempt to see better, my breathing stuttering in fear of what I might find.

I become accustomed to the darkness and take a step forward, but an arm stops me, pulling me back against a firm chest. I know it’s Alexander from his scent, but that doesn’t stop me from gripping his forearm and getting ready to push it away.

“Shh,” Alexander whispers.

“Huh?” I asked, confused, stopping my struggle before it begins. Why is he just standing here? It’s obvious this is where the kids went. We need to find them.

“Don’t make any noises or move. We don’t want to spook him.”

That’s when I look up and see Kelsey standing in front of a huge black horse. Fear nearly has my throat closing as I try to pull much-needed air into my lungs. One stomp from that horse and the damage could be fatal. I’ve always thought horses were beautiful animals, and I loved the idea of owning some one day with Will, but I get the sense this horse isn’t very friendly.

I force my body to lock tight so I don’t run forward and snatch her away. From the tenseness of Alexander’s body behind me, he’s forcing himself to stay still as well. We both watch, helpless and holding our breath as Kelsey lifts her hand and holds out an apple. My heart lodges in my throat.

“Alexander,” I whimper, scared for my little girl.

His arms tighten around me and his heavy breaths fan across my ear. I can also feel the thump of his heartbeat against my back, and I know it matches my own racing beat.

“Wait,” he whispers.

Tears make my vision blurry, and I blink rapidly, not wanting to miss a second of what’s happening.

Alexander’s body gets even tighter when the horse looks down at the apple offered to him. He lowers his head and opens his mouth slowly. I want to both squeeze my eyes shut and run toward the danger, but all I can do is stand there.

The horse takes the apple from Kelsey’s hand and starts chomping on it. Kelsey, seeming mesmerized by the big beast, still has her hand raised. The horse butts his nose against it, then lets out a soft neigh, and Kelsey starts rubbing the side of its head.

I’m still stiff as a board, but Alexander relaxes a bit behind me.

“Well, fuck me,” he breathes gruffly in my ear.

I want to turn around and ask him what’s going on, but I’m too scared to take my eyes off the horse and my girl.

Kelsey steps closer to the big animal and my body stiffens even more. My nails dig into Alexander’s forearms, and I know it has to hurt him, but he doesn’t react.

The horse rubs its head against the side of Kelsey’s as she continues to run both her hands down its neck. She turns her head to the side, and it’s the first chance I’ve gotten to see her face. What I see has all the air rushing from my lungs. She has one of the most gorgeous smiles on her face I’ve ever seen.

Out the corner of my eye, I see movement, and both Alexander and I look over. Daniel is standing in front of another stall with the puppy in his arms. This horse is white and brown and much less intimidating, but it still makes me nervous that he’s so close. We don’t know these horses or what they are capable of.

“Mom, why are you crying?” Daniel asks, walking over to us. I breathe a sigh of relief when he’s far enough away from the stall.