“Can I really?” He grabs it, looks down at it a moment, then turns his excited eyes up at me.

“Ever fed a horse an apple before?”

“No, sir.”

“Come on. I’ll show you how to do it.”

I lead him over to June’s stall. She’s a black with gray spots Appaloosa. I’ve had her for eight weeks now and she’s about ready to go home to her family.

She neighs softly and tosses her head a couple times as we walk up to her stall. Daniel stops and stares up at her, his mouth hanging open in awe.

“This is June,” I tell him.

June brings her head closer to Daniel, and for a minute I think he’s going to take a step back, but he doesn’t. Brave kid. Horses are big even to adults; to a child they’re enormous.

I pe

t June along her neck and she lifts her head to me, nudging my shoulder. “Hey, girl.”

I turn to Daniel. “Hold the apple out in your palm. Don’t grip it. Just let it rest in your hand.”

He does as I tell him and holds the apple out. Even for a kid I barely know, his expression is priceless as he watches the horse gently take the apple from his hand. A big smile appears on his face when the horse starts crunching on the fruit.

“Good girl,” I murmur to the horse, and run my hand up and down her muzzle and forehead.

“That was so neat!” He turns to me. “Can we feed another one?”

I smile down at him. “Sure.”

Next, I lead him to Pepe, a solid brown American Azteca. The owners plan to use him as a competition horse. I’ve only had him a few weeks, but he’s taking to training very well. Again, Daniel holds out the apple in his palm and the horse nabs it with his big teeth. It’s amazing to watch the excitement that overcomes the boy’s face. I always enjoy my time with these horses, but seeing it from a kid’s point of view is something to behold.

We feed a couple more of the horses, and with each one, Daniel’s eyes light up even more.

He’s just given Bella an apple, when I ask, “Do you want to pet her?”

He nods so fast it’s a wonder he doesn’t give himself whiplash. I grab him under the arms and hoist him up on my shoulders, putting him more on level with the horse. Bella nudges Daniel’s knee, bringing a giggle from him. Keeping one arm gripped on his leg, I pet Bella’s head and instruct Daniel to do the same.

“She’s so pretty,” he remarks. “Is she one of yours?”

“Yes. Her name is Bella.”

“Hey, Bella,” he says, running the tip of his finger up the horse’s ear.

“Can I ride her?”

I glide my hand up her forehead between her eyes. “Maybe once the weather is better.”

I’m a very private person, preferring to keep company with only myself and the horses, so my answer surprises me. I don’t like people encroaching on my personal space, but in the short time Gwen and her two kids have been here, I’ve found myself enjoying their company more and more. The thought of them possibly coming back to visit doesn’t fill me with dread like it normally would, but instead makes my chest feel lighter. I like having them around, even if it does still feel strange. It’s not a bad strange, just different. I’ve been alone for so long that having them here is… nice. And the thought of training Daniel to ride feels right, like maybe it’s something I’m supposed to do.

I look over to the next stall when I hear a bang. Bandit pops his head out and twists to look at us. He snorts and stomps the ground.

“What’s that horse’s name?” Daniel asks.

“That’s Bandit. He’s one of the ones that isn’t very nice.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s just making it very difficult to train him,” I answer.