"Ainsley, I told you, just call me Spencer. This Mr. Brooks nonsense can stop. It will just be a formality when you start at the office." He winked and picked up his beer, taking a swig, and once again his eyes roamed over my body.

"Excuse me for a minute. I'll get that drill you wanted to borrow, Spencer," Dad said, getting up off his chair and leaving the two of us alone together in the room.

The air suddenly felt thick as Spencer’s eyes met mine. My eyes burned as the nervous flutter in my stomach started to rise. Then a loud ring finally pulled his eyes from mine and he began checking something on his cell phone that sat on the table in front of him.

While he was reading, I couldn't help but let my eyes roam over his muscular arms and broad, strong chest. I was completely lost in thought as to what he must feel like when he cleared his throat and my eyes flashed to his face. I had no idea how long he had been watching me watch him, but the smirk he wore told me it had been a while. How embarrassing. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as his eyes met mine and then washed over my body.

"Here it is!" Dad said, coming back into the kitchen and placing the drill on the counter. He sat back down, grabbed his beer, and took a swig, and then began talking with Spencer again.

I slowly faded out on the conversation as I watched Spencer grip the neck of his beer bottle, bring it to his lips, and tip his head back, emptying the bottle’s contents. I couldn't help but watch the taught muscles in his forearm as he gripped that bottle, my eyes wandering to his large, muscular hands. A pulse of excitement ran through me as I wondered what it would feel like if they were on my body. Spencer placed the bottle on the table and his eyes wandered back over to me, and then he flashed that sexy smirk.

"Oh, Ainsley, before I forget, do you think you could watch Nikki for me on the twelfth next month? I have that Valentine’s Day function I'm hosting for my clients, and it's my weekend to have her," Spencer asked.

Nikki was Spencer's three-year-old daughter. He shared custody of her, and after he and his wife separated three years ago, I usually babysat for her.

"Yep, sure thing. I've got to go call Carly back." I pushed off the counter and left the kitchen, turning quickly to look back at Spencer one last time. I noticed his gaze was firmly planted on my ass, and he quickly averted his eyes as soon as he knew I had caught him. I waited one second and as his eyes met mine. I smiled at him over my shoulder and continued down the hall, stopping halfway to listen to their conversation.

"So, like I said before Ain's came in, you need a hot twenty-year-old to fuck her from your mind."

"Where the hell am I going to find that? I'm over the hill."

I swallowed hard as I listened. One thing Spencer Brooks was not was over the hill.

"Come with me to this function on the twelfth, see what my company can do for you," he said to my father.

"You want me to go, but tell me this, why don't you use your own company to find your twenty-year-old then if it’s so great?"

"My company isn't for hookups. It’s for long-term, meaningful relationships, which is something I'm not sure I'm looking for right now."



I let out a breath and went back into my room. Shutting the door behind me, I grabbed my phone and called Carly back. While waiting for her to answer, I grabbed the magazine I had purchased, flopped down on my bed, and began flipping through the pages.

"It's about time."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I said, continuing to flip through the pages.

"So are you coming with us tonight or what?"

I stopped as I flipped to the next page. In front of me was an ad for Finding Forever with Spencer on the ad himself. Spencer Brooks owned Finding Forever, the elite matchmaking company in the world and I would soon be working side by side with that hunk of a man. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Carly asked with excitement behind her voice.

"You're never going to believe this. Do you have the new Cosmo mag?" I questioned, looking over the ad and all the manly goodness that was Spencer in the photo.

"Yeah, I think so, why?" I could hear the annoyance in Carly's voice.

"Get it and look at page twenty-five."

"Ainsley, really, I just need to know if you are coming tonight. Seriously, babe, I need to get the reservations placed. The place fills up so fast."

"Get the magazine!" I gritted out between clenched teeth.

I studied the page and that was when I noticed in small letters what appeared to be an ID handle for his dating site.

"What am I supposed to be looking for?" Carly huffed.