"He did but he didn't say when we were starting."

"Effective immediately. Mr. Lennox is gone. Today as people come in, they will find their new schedules."

"Why are we here?" I asked. "This isn't my studio."

"Yes, it is, this is where he wants you from now on. All of your stuff, your soundtracks, clips, everything has already been moved over."

"I'm here too early if I'm not going on until eight."

"He would like you to go through some of your old calls and pick out some of your favorites, create the best of Juliet collection, enough to fill a week just in case you were ever to get sick."

"Okay, I can do that."

"Let me know if you need anything else, okay," Madeline said as she headed for my door.

"Will do," I assured her before she left. I then turned my back to the door, settled into the oversized leather chair behind the soundboard. I twirled in the seat, the room was so much larger than my old studio. I spun around again and this time my eyes caught on something or rather someone...Mr. Greyson Right. From where I sat, I could see into his office when his blinds were open which also meant he could see me.

I scrolled through the computer to my list of some of my favorite callers of all time. I pressed play and listened to Philip's plight.

"Hi, Philip, what question do you want to ask me?" I smiled, my voice sounded so young and fresh, the recording was from about five years ago.

Before Philip could ask his question, my door opened and in walked Greyson. I reached forward to pause.

"Don't, I came in to listen for a bit before I had to leave for a meeting."

I nodded and then looked down, I could feel my face warm, I remembered this question, it took some tugging before Philip finally came out with it.

"Philip, I can't help you unless you tell me what the problem is." I desperately wanted to put headphones on and tune Greyson out.

"Well...well, my girlfriend and I have different ideas of love marks."

"Marks?" I had questioned.

"Yeah, marks. She told me that she wanted me to leave marks on her body. I thought she meant hickeys, you know. Love bites?"

"Yeah, I know what hickeys are." I glanced over at Greyson who was totally enthralled.

"But she was thinking whips and chains. I can't beat her. I'm not taking a whip to no woman."

Even through the years, I could still hear myself fight to maintain my professionalism. "Philip, your girlfriend is either exploring a kink or knows that this is what she likes. A kink is not bad, but it is not one size fits all. If this is more than just experimenting and she knows that this is what she needs then she can't just un-need it, it is part of who she is, it is her sexual self. If you know that this isn't your kink then as much as I hate to say it, it is best that you know it now than later after you've invested years into a marriage and led a sexually unsatisfied life. Sit down and have a talk, but be warned, the best answer may be to go your own separate ways."

I glanced over at Greyson, "Whoa, that was a heavy call."

"Yep, we get all kinds."

"I'll let you continue. See you tomorrow."

"Aye aye." I saluted and he left. I couldn't keep from admiring his ass and how good he looked in his jeans.



I studied the amber liquid in my glass and shifted in my seat as I focused on the woman's voice coming through the radio. What would she look like basking in my whiskey? I had never done body shots, but I could drink Macallan off her as it pooled into her curves and my tongue trailed the running liquor.

"Hello Orlando, this is Dear Juliet and I'm Dr. Juliet Loveheart. I want to talk to you about your love life, what confuses you, what questions do you have, what do you want to know but don't know who to ask? That's why I'm here and I'll be here every Thursday through Sunday for you to call in. Let's take our first caller."

"You've reached Dear Juliet."