“What?” I blurt. “The reception isn’t over.”

“I didn’t mean right this minute. But once all the formalities are out of the way, I say we grab some champagne and head to the roof. You won’t believe the view from up there.”

“How would you know? Did you visit the roof already?”

“Maybe.” He shrugs, the cutest damn smile on his lips. “I was scouting the place out earlier. It’s what I do.”

“Once a soldier, always a soldier.”

“It’s true.” He chuckles. “When you’ve been to some of the places I have, you learn to look over your shoulder.”

“And on rooftops apparently.”

“Especially on rooftops.” He gives me a serious look and I’m quickly reminded that he’s likely seen things most people can’t even begin to imagine. “So what do you say?”

“Hmm. That depends.” I pull my bottom lip into my mouth in an effort to contain my smile.

“On what?”

“On whether or not you plan to kiss me this time.”

I don’t miss the look that passes over his face or the way that one look makes me feel. Almost like I’m vibrating from the inside out.

“I wanted to kiss you that night, you know.” He falls serious. “I resisted the urge all night long.”

“Why?” I can’t help but ask, knowing how badly I wanted him to kiss me.

“Because I was there for my brother. He was crazy about Blue and I didn’t want to do something to complicate that for him. That, and I didn’t want to lead you on knowing there was nothing I could give you.”

“But you’re okay leading me on now?”

“Who says I’m leading you on now?” He quirks a brow.

“Am I missing something?” I don’t try to mask my confusion.

“Last time was different. Things were different. But I’ve had a lot of time to think over the last few months and you want to know the one thing I keep coming back to?” He looks at me for a long moment, the intensity of his stare causing the little hairs on the back of my neck to stand. “You.” He finally finishes. “I keep coming back to you. I’ve played that night on repeat in my head countless times. And every single time I do all I can think about is what a monumental mistake I made letting you get out of the car with Blue that night. I should have taken you home. I should have walked you to your door and told you what an amazing time I had. I should have kissed you.” He leans forward, his lips a beat away from mine.

My breath catches in my throat and I suddenly become acutely aware of how many people are witnessing this encounter. God, I can only imagine what my mother is thinking right now. But for some reason it doesn’t bother me the way I expect it to.

Maybe it’s because of Everett’s close proximity, and his incredible scent filling up my senses. Maybe it’s because he’s saying everything I wished he had said months ago. Maybe it’s because I feel validated in how often I’ve thought of him since we were last together. Whatever the reason, I find myself caring less and less about our audience and more and more about what it will feel like to kiss Everett Avery for the first time.

I could do it, too. A slight lean forward and our lips would be pressed together. But for some reason I don’t. I think deep down I want him to be the one to kiss me. Does that make me old fashioned? Maybe a little. But a woman knows what she wants.

“I won’t be making the same mistake twice.” He slides his nose against mine before pulling away a few inches. Disappointment creeps through my bones but he quickly squashes the feeling down. “Meet me on the rooftop in twenty minutes.” He lays a light kiss to my cheek before he steps away.

Only then do I realize that the music has stopped playing. I smile, attempting to seem completely natural as I follow Blue, Harris, and Everett back toward the wedding party table.

The next few minutes are torture. I mean, not really, but kind of at the same time. Everett gives the most incredible best man speech I think I’ve ever heard. And then Blue smashes nearly an entire piece of wedding cake in Harris’ face. If I wasn’t anticipating what was to come with Everett that would have been the highlight of my night.

As the formalities start to wind down, the real party begins. Knowing that I won’t be missed at least for a little while, I make some lame excuse to Blue about needing to make a phone call before quietly slipping out of the banquet hall to go in search of Everett, whom I haven’t seen since the cake incident.

Having a pretty good idea where he is, mainly because he told me where he’d be, I take the elevator to the top floor and follow the signs to the roof access.

When I step outside, the night air is cool on my warm skin. It’s been an unseasonably warm winter but that doesn’t mean a coat isn’t required. Unfortunately for me, I hadn’t thought to bring mine up with me.

It doesn’t take me long to locate Everett. He’s standing at the far-right corner with his back to me. I try to be as quiet as I can, but my heels click against the concrete, giving me away. It’s not long before he turns and watches me walk toward him, a smile playing on his lips that does things to my body I’m quite sure should be impossible.

It isn’t until I reach him that I realize he has my coat slung over his arm. He offers it to me, helping me slide it on. The gesture is beyond sweet and sends my already frazzled heart into overdrive.