But just like before, in no time Brent is breathing down my neck. This time, though, I spin around, skating backward and smiling at him slyly.

“You are one bad girl,” he tells me.

“I am,” I agree. “So maybe you should spank me, Brent.”

That gets him going. “You are so in for it now.”

“Maybe that’s what I want,” I reply saucily.

I take off then so quickly that Brent’s caught off guard.

Eek, I really am going to be in for it.

Ooh, I hope so.

Brent catches me on the blue line, wrapping me up from behind in his arms.

Laughing, I turn to face him, but—oh no!—our skates somehow get tangled up.

“Help,” I squeak out as I go down.

Brent tumbles to the ice as well, leaving us both on our asses.

Peering over at each other, we crack up. I’m in tears as I roll onto my back, thankful that I have on a super-thick sweater and jeans.

But I needn’t worry. I’m plenty warmed up when Brent leans over me, his arm by my head.

Caressing my cheek softly, he tells me, “I love you so much, Aubrey. I’m sorry I’ve been a distant pain in the ass lately.”

I blow out a breath. “You’re just working through some issues. I understand.”

“Still, Aubs, that’s not an excuse. I should work out my problems with you by my side. Like what we’re doing right now. You’ve helped me see that. It’s working. It’s really fucking working.”

My eyes widen, and hope fills my heart. “You’re feeling better about things?” I ask.

Brent nods. “I am. And I know now that’s why you arranged for us to come here.”

“It is,” I admit.

“Aubrey, I love you so much for doing this. You know me better than I know myself. You knew the ice would heal me, but not in the way it used to. Once upon a time, I was all about me. Time on the ice alone could cure all my woes. But I’m with you now, babe—in body, heart, and soul. All my trips down to the ice alone were in vain. I see that now.”

Holy crap, my plan really has worked!

Reaching up, I tangle my fingers in Brent’s dark hair and gaze into his whiskey-brown eyes.

“Brent,” I sigh. “You’re right about everything. I had a feeling us being on the ice together might cure you.”

Laughing, he says, “You were right. I feel…free.”

I take a deep breath, and in a soft whisper, I ask, “Do you really? You’re truly okay now, even about the playoff loss?”

He replies with a firm, “Yes.”

I raise a brow. “And you’re ready to get back to wedding planning with me?”

“I am,” he confirms.

Relieved, I say, “I love you so much, Brent.”