She didn’t have to be a mind-reader to know where his thoughts had gone. Taking the

bottle from his hand, she unscrewed the cap and found a clean cup. “Don’t go there,” she warned. “This is an amazing opportunity and one you should definitely take up.”

Olivia poured herself a large cup of wine and swallowed a mouthful, keeping her eyes averted. She didn’t need to see the sadness in his eyes. Him changing his mind simply wasn’t an option. “Besides,” she said after downing half her wine. “We talk every day anyway. The distance isn’t going to change that.”

“Yeah, but the difference is you won’t be five minutes down the road anymore. You’ll be a five-hour plane ride away.”

She shrugged and tried not to let his words sting. “It’s a good thing I like flying, then.”

Folding his arms, he leaned against the granite counter. “I thought you’d have brought that male you’ve been dating with you tonight. What’s his name again? Finn? Klim?”

She laughed. “Syn,” she corrected. “And we’re kindofnotdatinganymore.” The words

tumbled from her mouth and she winced. Way to go playing it cool, Liv.

King’s mouth turned up in the corner. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get all that.”

Blowing out a breath, Olivia downed the rest of her wine and said, “We’re not dating anymore.”


“So tell me more,” King pushed, knowing he was needling Livvy. “Did you break it off, or him?”

“I did.”


“None of your business,” she replied, crossing her arms across her chest. The action pushed up her breasts, her cleavage a tantalizing sight.

Giving her a cocky grin, he shot back, “Is it because of me?”

She scoffed. “Don’t be a smug ass.” Pouring herself another drink, she downed a couple of mouthfuls and glared at the contents of her cup like it had just insulted her mother.

Despite wanting to know all the details, he also couldn’t be happier that she’d jettisoned the tool. Syn was only going to hold her back—hold her down.

He offered his hand to her and she stared at it.

“What?” she asked.

“Come and dance with me?”

She bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with color. “You know I don’t dance,” she replied.

“Then make tonight an exception. I am leaving tomorrow.”

“Please don’t remind me,” she mumbled.

“Come and dance with me,” he said into her ear. “Please?”

When she put down her cup, he knew he’d won. He pulled her onto the dance floor, holding her close as the hardcore rap that was now pounding through the room cleared the space. Holding her close, he positioned her arms around his neck, his hands resting on the small of her back. Together, they swayed slowly, the friction of her hips against his causing his dick to sit up and pay attention. His head joined the party, throwing up all kinds of fantasies where they were alone and he could show her just how much she meant to him. His hands flexed around her curves, crushing the cotton fabric of her dress against his palms.

Jesus, leaving her was going to hurt.

“King?” she asked in a whisper, forcing him to lean down so her mouth was against his ear.

“Yeah, Livvy?”

Her fingers tightened around his neck. “I’m going to miss you. So much. You know that, right?”