My eyes lower to the carpet as I begin to chew the inside of my mouth and Jori lets out a sigh. He doesn’t approach me though, instead the next sound I hear is the slight creak of the bed as he lays down and I clear my throat, swallowing the lump, then look up at him.

Without so much as a single thought spoken out loud, I walk over to the bed, climb on, and rest my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beginning to beat a little faster and it makes me feel better. With as tough as he tries to be, he’s never been able to keep that façade going when it comes to me, and I like that just fine.

“So …” he says, his voice trailing off nervously.

I smile when his heart races even faster.

He’s never been shy about what he wants, when he wants it, but ever since Hoyt died, he’s always been the one to let me pull the trigger on when things happen.

It doesn’t take more than that, though.

I can’t remember the last time that Jori and I were together the way he wants and I know it’s another reason he wakes up sweating at night.

Not that he’ll ever admit it, because a hero never lets you know when there’s a dent in their armor. That tells you that they’re human and that you can pierce their heart; and while the evils of our past never believed he has one, I know that he does.

And it beats for me.


I’ve missed the way Jori’s lips taste when he’s like this. The way his chest moves shakily up and down when I run my hands down his bare skin. He holds me close to him—so close that I think he’s trying to pull me into his body instead of the other way around, but this is what he needs.

And even though I didn’t know it until he kissed me so damn gently on my lips, it’s what I need too.

“I love you so damn much, Red,” he whispers when we pull apart. I smile at him, sit up and pull my shirt over my head. No matter how many times Jori tells me that he loves me, it always has the same effect as if though he’s admitting his feelings for the first time.

“I know, Jori. I love you too,” I tell him as I scoot down the bed and grip the waist of his pants. He lifts himself enough to allow me to pull them off his body, then tilts his head to the side as I reach for his boxers.

“Prove it,” he challenges playfully with a smirk.

I shake my head and chuckle as I reach into the fly of his underwear, and when my hand wraps around his dick, he inhales sharply. I’m not surprised that he’s hard already; he’s never been a chore to get ready before.

I move my body back up toward his, hovering over him slightly, and taking in his lust-filled bitter, blue eyes. The way he’s looking at me right now is the reason I love him so much. I lean down and kiss him softly on his lips as I begin to move my hand up and down his shaft.

His next breath escapes him in a shudder and I have to do my best not to grin. Jori D

avidson, the bane of every adult in his life, is really nothing more than a desperate boy needing to be loved.

And that’s where I come in.

When he grunts, I move my hand a little faster, but the way he pulls my face back toward his, the way he kisses me, I know he’s not in the mood for foreplay.

“Come on, Red,” he breathes as he slaps my hand away and reaches down to pull his boxers off. He licks the palm of his hand quickly and begins to run it up and down his shaft, then nods at me.

With a smile, I pull my shorts and panties off, tossing them over the side of the bed, then reach down for his dick. He places a hand on either side of my hips as I begin to lower myself onto him.

He grunts again and I close my eyes as I bite down on my lower lip.

Maybe it’s been longer than a little while, but that only heightens the pleasure for both of us I think.

Once I’ve got his cock buried inside of me, I lean down and place my hands on his shoulders. He looks up into my eyes pleadingly, almost like he’ll die if I don’t start fucking him soon, and so I do.

I begin to roll my hips and he closes his eyes, lets out another shuddering breath and leans his head back against the pillow.

Jori’s fingers dig into the flesh of my hips as I sit up and begin to grind down against him. It won’t take him long to come; I can tell by the way he’s breathing. I almost feel bad that I know this won’t last as long as he wants it too, but Jori’s always ready for round two even before round one is over.

I move faster, finding a pace I’ll know that we’ll both be comfortable with, and just like that, it’s over.

Jori lets out a loud moan as he tightens his grip on my hips, then looks up at me with a tired laugh.