my wife a lesson.

“Yup.” He grins.


Opal turns the corner and squares her shoulders and glares at me. “Jay, sh—”

“Dollface, no.” Ryan shakes his head. “It’s between them. Go get her so he can take her home, and they can talk this out.”

“She’s not going with him.” She crosses her arms and cocks her head, challenging me. “She’s destroyed, Jay. How could you?”

Fuck this. Ryan grabs Opal and tugs her out of my way as I stride down the hallway, and when I reach the bedroom, I throw open the door to find my wife sitting in the center of her sister’s bed, knees bent and arms wrapped tightly around them with tears rolling down her beautiful, heartbroken face.

She stares at me, and I have to clench my jaw together so I don’t explode on her. Instead, I take the couple of steps to get to her and lift her into my arms without a word. “Jay.”

“Do not speak, woman.”

Her head snaps back, and the soft, sad eyes that I love so much swirl into sharp daggers. “Let me go.”

“I’ll never fuckin’ let you go, Olive, and you goddamn well know it.”

She relaxes into my arms, and when a fresh swell of tears fall down her face, I hold her tighter. “Jay.”

When we get to the living room, Ryan and Opal are sitting next to each other on the couch, and wisely, neither say a word. I stride to my vehicle and pull the door open, then drop her in the passenger seat.

By the time I make it around and get in, she’s got her seat belt on but crowds herself against the door. It takes her a few minutes of silence before she breaks it. “Jay.”


“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.”

I turn the ignition and glance at her while I pull onto the street. “Don’t do stupid shit like write me a note and go hide at your sister’s house when you’ve got an issue with your husband that you didn’t even talk about with him.”

“I’m sorry, did you need to hear me say that I saw you with another woman? That I heard you tell her your wife couldn’t find out? Listened to you making plans to meet up with her at a hotel, and then followed you to said hotel and watched you put your hands on her?”

“You have no clue what you’re talking about. No fuckin’ clue. God, Livvie.” I pull into our driveway and slam the shifter into park. “Get inside.”

By the time I get around to the front of my car, she’s already heading through the mudroom. I follow her and slam the door behind me, furious that she could think I’d ever do that to her. Pissed beyond all belief that she doesn’t know how deeply in love with her I am that I’d rather cut off my arm than touch another woman in the way she’s thinking.

She twirls around and points at me, but I lift my arm and point over her head. “Bedroom.”

“Oh, hell no, we are not having sex.”

One large step and I’m so close her tits brush my chest. Her pulse in her neck thumps rhythmically, her cheeks flush, and her eyes flash. I tip my chin, and her head tilts back. “You’re right. We’re not. First, you’re gonna get on your knees and tell me how sorry you are… and then we’re gonna fuck, Livvie.”

“Jay…” Her voice wavers.

“Bedroom. Now.”

She narrows her eyes at me and huffs, then spins on her toes. Her hair flies and hits me in the face, and if I wasn’t so fucking pissed right now, I’d laugh at how damn cute she is when she gets pissed.

We get to the room, and she stands at the foot of the bed, and I go to the closet and grab the suitcase we have on a shelf. When I get back to the room, her lips part, and she brings her hand up to cover her mouth.

I unzip it and dump the contents onto the bed, then toss the case across the room. The wheels crash into the wall and dent it, but I don’t give a shit. When I lift two different plastic plates, one solid white, the other with a bronze outline, her head tilts in confusion.

Those fall to the floor with a clatter when I drop them, and then I hold up two different types of fake flowers. One purple and the other white. “Jay, what—”

“Which one?”