“Did you even hear me?” Colton presses.

“Probably not. I’m laying here wondering why in the fuck you’re standing over my bed like the big bad fucking wolf.” I laugh it off. “Not my kink, bro.”

“Shut the fuck up. You going or not?”

Did he just give me an option?

I’ve been trying to come up with an excuse when I don’t have to.

“I had planned on it, but work kicked my ass and I didn’t get much studying in.” I hate to pull the school card, but Colton knows how important it is to me. My parents are all about paying your own way. School is on me, and since I lost my football scholarship to Penn State, I had no choice but to take out a loan and apply for grants to stay enrolled.

“I get it.” Colton pulls out his phone. “I’ll text the group and let them know.”

“How did you manage to get wrapped up in that?”

Colton hates group texts.

“My mom made it. Probably to keep tabs on the girls.”

“Gotta love Tina.” I chuckle.

“I guess.” He holds up his cell. “If you change your mind, shoot me a text.”

> “Will do.” I open my notebook.

Colton walks out of my room. “Don’t wait up!” His voice echoes down the hall.

“I’m sure I’ll be studying,” I holler back. “Or thinking about your sister,” I mumble.

I’m in so much fucking trouble.



“Chloe, you’re absolutely stunning.” Mia gushes. “Look at her, Kasey. Doesn’t the dress bring out her eyes?”

“It does.” Kasey looks at my reflection while touching up her red lipstick. “I’m going to grab my purse. Meet you out front.”

As soon as she’s out of the restroom, Mia shuts the door. “We need to talk about tonight.” Mia steps closer, lowering her voice. “How are you going to approach Jake?”

I’ve thought about this night since I was thirteen and he was eighteen. Back then, I was a little naïve and thought when I graduated high school, I would fly to New York, tell him how I felt, and ask him to be my boyfriend, but now? Jake is basically a part of my family, my brother’s best friend and my…rainbow. I can’t lose that over a confession. I close my eyes and sigh. “I guess carefully.”

“Chloe Lynn.” Mia grabs me by the shoulders. “Look at me.”

My eyes pop open, and I fight back a smile. Mia is about five-foot-four, blonde hair, and gorgeous green eyes. She’s your typical girl next door: cute, innocent, and follows the rules. She doesn’t do mad well.

“Hey, you guys.” Kasey twists the knob. “Did you lock me out?”

“Mia!” I whisper-shout.

“What? We needed to talk.” She nods toward the door. “Without her.”

“I’m pooping,” I holler. “Give us ten minutes.”

“Ew!” Kasey squeaks. “Well, I’ll let you weirdos do your thing. I just wanted to know if you got the group text from Colton.”

Mia doesn’t wait for her to finish before swiping her phone to life.