"Hello, Mr... I mean, Spencer. Is that you?"

I smiled to myself. "Ye

ah, it’s just me, Ainsley," I said, hanging my suit jacket on the banister and climbing the stairs to the living room.

Ainsley lay curled up on the couch, under a blanket, watching TV. As her eyes met mine, she quickly sat up, shoving the blankets off her, and my eyes fell to her bare legs.

"How did everything go tonight?"

"Nikki went to bed with no problem. I let her stay up a little later than normal. We were watching Lady and the Tramp. I hope that's okay."

"Sure." I smiled.

"How did tonight go for you?" she asked, gathering the blanket and folding it back up.

"It went well."

She smiled at me. "That's fantastic. I'm happy to hear that. Perhaps next year I will get to go to this event. I should get going, let you get some sleep. Nikki told me you guys are off to the zoo in the morning."

"Ainsley, there's no rush." I turned and walked into the kitchen. "I was going to have a glass of wine. Would you care for one?" I knew with every part of me that I was crossing a line by asking her to join me. Hell, I had crossed a line by even speaking with her for the past month. Granted, I hadn't known it was her.

I pulled the bottle from the fridge and turned to see her leaning against the doorway. What was I doing? I had decided to end this with her, not invite her to have wine with me. I had to end it. After all, she was going to be working for me in a few days. Her eyes washed over me, her cheeks flushed while she bit her bottom lip.


I noticed she swallowed hard as she looked around the room.

"Go sit down. I will bring the wine in." I winked at her and watched as she left to go back into the living room. As soon as she left the room, I pulled my phone from my pocket and sent BabyGirl89 a message. As soon as I hit send, I heard her phone give off a notification. I smiled to myself and pulled the bottle of wine from the fridge.



I jumped when my phone went off. I grabbed it from the table and stared at the screen, biting my bottom lip.

RomanticAlpha42: You busy?

"Fuck," I muttered. If this truly was Spencer, I wondered if there was a way he could find out that BabyGirl89 was me. I tapped the edge of my phone and bit my bottom lip while I listened to Spencer continue to bang around in the kitchen.

"Did you want anything to eat? Cheese and crackers perhaps?" he called out.

"Um...sure," I answered while I quickly typed my response.

BabyGirl89: Just heading to bed.

As I hit send, I listened hard and heard Spencer's ringtone go off. My stomach flipped with nerves, and suddenly the room got very warm. I had to get out of here. RomanticAlpha42 was really Spencer. I had sent him pictures of me that…well, pictures of me that should never have been sent, and embarrassment flooded me. Shit, I should have listened to Carly.

I looked around the room, remembering that my bags were already in the spare room down the hall. "Fuck," I whispered under my breath, and in a panic, I flew to the front door, my phone going off once again in my pocket. I fought to get one shoe on and pulled my phone from my pocket, looking down to see a message from RomanticAlpha42 on my screen.

RomanticAlpha42: That's too bad BabyGirl.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and picked up my shoe, my hands shaking so bad that I immediately dropped the shoe back to the floor. That was when I heard Spencer clear his throat.

I froze and slowly turned to see him leaning against the wall looking as sexy as ever. He had removed his tie, his shirt undone at the collar, shirtsleeves rolled up, exposing his muscular forearms. I felt that familiar ache between my legs that I had felt so many other times seeing him like this. He stood there holding a glass of wine in one hand and his phone in the other, a sexy smirk on his face. I turned back around and grabbed my shoe from the floor and went to put it on when I heard Spencer clear his throat again.

"Ainsley, where are you going?"

I fought back my embarrassment and pulled the front door open. The cold night air hit my face, instantly cooling me. I was about to leave the house when I felt his strong hand grip my arm. Instantly, I could feel the heat coming off him as he stepped forward, closing the space between us. When I felt the puff of his breath on the back of my neck, chills ran through my body. I closed my eyes as he leaned into me and whispered in my ear, "It's okay, you don't need to run from me, BabyGirl."