I rolled my eyes as I checked to see if I had any new messages.

"It's just harmless fun. Plus, I don’t even know if it’s really him!" I said as I clicked open the new received message and read the words on my screen. Truth was, I had ended up paying for a month because I had enjoyed speaking with whoever it was I was speaking to so much.

"I can't believe you’re actually engaging with people on there." She laughed.

"Not people, just one person," I corrected.

Carly let out a loud laugh. "Yeah, sorry about that. One person you believe to be Spencer. So, what does Mr. Romance have to say? Is he as smooth as you'd hoped?"

I had barely heard a word Carly had said as I read the message that sat on my screen. "Oh my God, you’re not going to believe this."

"What? Trouble in paradise?" Carly laughed.

"He wants to go on a date this weekend!" I answered.

"This weekend? As in tonight?"

"Yes. Which, if this is Spencer, it would be to the Valentine’s thing he is hosting, the one my father is going to be at." I kept reading his words repeatedly. "What do I do?"

"Well, since you are babysitting his daughter, you’ll have to tell him no, or you could cancel on the little girl and explain to Spencer why you are canceling. However, you're a big girl. I am sure you will figure it out."


This woman had me spinning, and I had no clue what she even looked like. I sat behind my desk awaiting a response from BabyGirl98. This was the exact reason why I loved the company I had created. It gave people the chance to get to know the real person without judgment. I flipped between my email and back to my profile. I had sent off the date request almost forty minutes ago, and I new that she had read it. It had never taken so long for a response from her to come through. Perhaps I was losing my touch; although I had kept her online the past three nights engaged in some very heavy dirty talk, enough to even get a few gratuitous photos as well.

I leaned back in my chair and began to relax when my phone rang. "Spencer Brooks."

"Hey, Spencer, what time are we leaving tonight?"

"Hey, Jon! Ainsley is coming by for around seven, so I figure after I get Nikki settled with her say eight."


"Did you look at the package I dropped off for you? These aren't your run-of-the-mill women just looking to get laid. I have a very rigorous screening process in place."

"I haven't yet. I figured I would revisit the site after tonight. Are you bringing a date tonight?"

"Hopefully a date with a very sexy twenty-year-old!"

"Awesome. I'll see you tonight then!"

"You got it."

I hung up the phone in time to see a message from BabyGirl89. I clicked open the message, excitement building in me, and leaned back in my chair.


I would love nothing more than to accompany you tonight.

However, I have a prior engagement that, unfortunately, I cannot get out of.

Until then, I will dream of you,


I leaned back, disappointment filling the empty part of me.