"My God just go to page twenty-five. You'll see." I could hear Carly flipping through the pages, and finally she stopped.

"Yeah so, it’s your Greek god, so what."

"Look up in the corner. Looks like it could be his ID handle, RomanticAlpha42."

"Oh, Ainsley!! You're crazy. As if the man is going to post his real handle to the world. Get a grip. Now are you coming with us tonight or not?"

I slid off my bed and wandered over to my desk and opened my laptop, quickly typing in Finding Forever in the search bar. Within seconds, the page had loaded. "Um, sure, I guess."

"All right got to go. Oh, and, Ains, don't do anything stupid."

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

I turned my attention to the website and immediately noticed they offered a free two-week trial. That would be all I would need. I clicked on “signup” and began setting up my profile, quickly creating a username, and hit next. My stomach sank when the next screen loaded. They wanted credit card information.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. I nervously tapped my finger on the mouse, trying to decide what I should do. I looked back over at the magazine advertisement, and then grabbed my purse. "What could it hurt? I'll just make sure I cancel before the free trial period is over." I mumbled as I typed in my credit card number. A few more clicks and I was in, staring at a bunch of questions that needed to be answered before they would let me start searching. Forty-five minutes later, BabyGirl89 had been born.

I hit search and typed in RomanticAlpha42, and within seconds, I was faced with a pictureless profile. My stomach churned with excitement that I could barely contain, and I grabbed my phone, dialing Carly.

"Let me guess, you've changed your—"

"It was real."

"What was real?"




"Tell me you didn't message it."

"Not yet. I just created a profile."

"Oh, Ainsley, do not message that profile. Besides, you need to get ready for dinner."

"Too late


"Too late?"

"I just sent my first connection email!"



February 12

RomanticAlpha42: I'd love to bury my face between those creamy thighs of yours

I felt my cheeks heat as I smiled to myself. My fingers tapped quietly against the keyboard as I typed out a response to yet another message from RomanticAlpha42. We had been messaging now for a solid month. I hit send and relaxed back against my bed’s headboard. I flipped through the channels on the TV while waiting for a response. I had just settled into an episode of Outlander when my phone rang.


"So has the love of your life, Mr. Spencer Brooks, or should I say RomanticAlpha42, confessed his love for you yet?" Carly giggled into the phone.