“I’ll try.”

“Thank you.”

He leans in to kiss me, and I respond instantly, pushing my tongue between his lips. Shifting my body, I move to sit on his lap, but he stops me.

“We’re still not having sex,” he murmurs.



“Mommy!” The scream of our little boy causes us to break apart.

“Wes!” Dexter and I both yell back, matching his excitement. He jumps on the couch and crawls into Dexter's lap.

“Play!” He points in the direction of outside. My mom comes into the room and we oblige him by going outside.


I’M WOKEN UP BY male voices whispering and a cool breeze blowing on my face. Crap, I’ve fallen asleep outside on the patio swing. I don’t think I lasted more than a few minutes of watching Wes running around before exhaustion took over.

“You’re all crabby and anxious.” The first voice belongs to Julian, Dexter’s boss and one of our best friends. “Meadow is all out of sorts, according to Mel. You two need to get laid. If she goes into labor, I think she’s at a safe enough time—”

“I’d rather not find out though,” Dex growls, cutting him off.

“Okay, okay, I get it, relax. But, can I be honest?”

“What?” he snaps.

“I think Meadow is about to put her foot up your ass if you don’t fuck her into tomorrow. And I’m not dealing with your irritable ass for the next however many weeks. So, do you, Meadow, and the world a favor and have sex with your wife.”

“I’m about to put my foot up your ass if you don’t shut up.”

“God, you’re so stubborn. I mean, it was you who preached to me when Mel was pregnant how good pregnancy sex was, and now you’re throwing it away. What if this is the last time it happens?”

Dexter groans. “I hate you right now.”

“Just trying to put it in perspective.”

“Still hate you."

My eyes flutter open, and I stretch my arms above my head. I yawn loudly, announcing to the two men that I’m awake.

I'm glad to have Julian on my side even if it was my best friend, Mel, who planted the ear bug.

"Julian. Hi, what are you doing here?"

His lips twitch upward. "Mel has sent me on a mission to save you from your captor."

"Are you really calling me that to everyone?" Dexter narrows his eyes on me, and a creep of guilt rises in my belly.

My cheeks heat up, and I shrug. "Sorry, but I've told you I feel under house arrest. I still love you… even at this time of insanity."

"See you both need time away from each other. It would be good for you," Julian offers, and I nod.

“Oh, yes, please. Take him. Keep him.” I grin and stand from the swing. “Please!”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Dexter grumbles.