“I’ve decided not to reenlist.”

“Wait, what?” This has me moving into a sitting position, swiveling my body so that I’m facing him.

He tucks an arm behind his head, his gaze dropping to my bare chest for a brief moment before coming back up to my face.

“I think it’s time for me to do something different with my life.”

“Does that mean your coming home?” I ask, not even really sure where home is for him. I know from Blue that Harris and Everett are originally from Maine, but I don’t really know much more than that.

“No.” The one word is enough to make me feel like I’ve been punched directly in the stomach. My excitement instantly deflates.

“So you’re staying in Hawaii?”

“I am,” he confirms. “I love it there so much. The thought of leaving doesn’t feel right.”

“So what’s your plan?”

“Well,” he kneads his bottom lip between his teeth like he’s not sure if he wants to tell me or not, “you’re probably going to think I’m crazy.”

“Okay, now I’m really curious.”

“I bought a restaurant.”

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me. I took my entire life savings and bought a little run-down restaurant on the beach. It’s not much, but with a little TLC I know it will be incredible. The location is perfect and the bones are there. It just needs some work.”

“You bought a restaurant,” I repeat, not sure why I’m having such a hard time believing someone like Everett would be the kind of guy to sink everything he owns into something that may not be a sure thing.

“I did.” He smiles. “I signed the papers this week. It’s why I missed my first flight. The seller had to reschedule last minute, and it was either switch my flight or possibly lose the restaurant.”

“Wow. I don’t even know what to say.”

“I know it’s a risk. But I’ve spent my entire life planning every move I make. For once I want to live my life for me. I want to do something that makes me happy.” The smile on his face is hard to ignore, even if the disappointment I’m feeling stings.

For a brief moment I thought maybe we could do this, but his future plans confirm how wrong I was. If he has no plans to leave Hawaii and my life is here in Boston, what chance do we really have? And I know it’s premature to think that way, but after spending what has been, hands down, the best night of my life with Everett, I can’t help but want to spend many more nights just like this one.

“That’s really awesome. I’m really happy for you.”

“And the best part.” He pushes up on his elbows before sitting the rest of the way up. “There’s a small detached building behind the restaurant that I’m going to have turned into a house. So not only will I get to work footsteps from the beach, I’ll get to live there as well. Can you imagine? Waking up every day and walking out to the beautiful blue water and warm sunshine on your face?”

“It sounds like a dream.”

“It is. And it’s a dream I can’t wait to start living.” He reaches out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “But there’s one thing missing.”

“And what’s that?”

“You.” That one word holds more weight than any other word that came before it. “Come to Hawaii with me.”

“What?” I choke out, convinced I’m not hearing him right.

“You heard me. Come to Hawaii. Be with me.”

“Everett.” I’m at a loss for words. How could I possibly agree to something so completely ludicrous that it doesn’t even make sense to me?

“We can rent a place until the house is ready. You can help me with the restaurant. We can do it all…together.”

“Everett, I can’t. I have a job and family and friends here. I can’t up and leave everything behind.”