"I get that. Okay, let's try this one, I want to know what your idea of a perfect evening is?"

"That's easy. I'd come home after a long day of work and find my man waiting for me--the same man, every night, for the rest of my life. We would curl up together, sometimes we'd watch television, sometimes we would read, or sometimes just cuddle up and talk while we catch up. But it is more about being together."

For some reason, I could see her fantasy, so I decided to add to it. "Then I would lean over, cup your face, then bring your lips to mine."

"I like that." Her voice had a small catch in it.

"What else?" My voice was a bit deeper.

"He'd lift me up and carry me to the bedroom."

"Because you're a tiny thing." The moment I said it, I was worried I might have said too much. I wasn't supposed to know her or know that she was indeed tiny.

"Yeah." She paused. "When he set me down, he would move to stand behind me and trail his fingers along my skin. His gentle touch would set my skin on fire. It would be more arousing than any words."

"Don't be so sure about that." I took a deep breath. "What about when I tell you about the way you feel in my arms? Or how I crave to taste you?"

"Oh." Her words had a tiny catch in them.

"How about how I can't wait to know how it feels when I slide into you..."

"Michael, that's quite a fantasy."

"You bring it out in me."

"You speak as if we've met."

I didn't want to scare her, but God I wanted to ask her out. "No, just a fantasy."

I typed what had to be the same line for the fifth time. I was not going to get this memo to all employees done. I leaned forward and pressed my intercom. "Madeline, can you send a memo to all employees that there is an all-hands meeting on Monday at noon. We will be providing lunch. Those on-air should have enough material queued up for two hours. Those coming in on their day off will receive over-time."

"On it," Madeline confirmed.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a flash of honey-blonde hair and glanced over to see the backside of Juliet opening her studio. I checked the clock on my computer, twelve-o-two. God, it would be hours before I could call Juliet. I wanted to time it like I did last night, and call as her show was coming to an end. Then maybe, just maybe she'd have time to talk with me longer.

My day slithered by at a snail's pace. At ten, I was sitting in bed listening to the radio and constantly checking my watch. I seriously contemplated Googling Daylight Savings Time, I wanted to know if they had ganged up on me and changed it to May because I swear my clock was not turning past midnight.

But at twelve-thirty, I dialed in, when the sound manager heard my name, he asked me to hold.

I waited longer than I had last night but when the phone finally clicks, and Juliet came on, hearing her call my name was well worth the wait. "Michael."

"Hello. Do you have time to talk again?"

"I do, I was hoping you would call. It isn't often that I get to share my inner thoughts. Before we begin, may I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything," I assured her.

"Have we met?"


"Will you tell me who you are? I can't ID the voice." Thank god, I was hoping that would be the case. We hadn't spoken that much and today I had totally avoided her.


"Fair enough. What do you want to talk about tonight?" Juliet asked.

"Let's play a game, fill in the blanks."