Stepping over, I engulf my mom in a hug. She embraces me back. We both need this comfort. Even though it’s a happy day, full of celebration, we can take a moment and remember my dad and how much we both wish he were here today.

A familiar stirring in my chest reminds me I can feel my mate’s emotions. I have no doubt he felt my anger before and my sorrow now. But I made him vow not to see me on my wedding day until I walked down the aisle.

Okay. That’s a bit of a lie. I did wake up beside him this morning because I refuse to sleep apart from him unless it’s necessary. However, I did flee as soon as I woke up while he tried calling me back to bed.

Mom pulls back. “Are you ready to get married?”

“Absolutely.” I beam. This is my day—mine and Orion’s. And I’m going to have the time of my life from here on out, even if that means kicking some vampire butt along the way.

“I’m still game if you are,” Sol says in my mind.

“Get out of my head!” I throw up a solid block in my mind to keep him from hearing more. Man, these vampires. Not a moment’s peace between them and the other paranormals.

Mom helps me fix a few stray hairs that have broken free from my updo then lifts my dress for me while I pee one final time before walking down the aisle. Gotta handle things now so there are no interruptions while I’m standing beside my mate, vowing my life to him.

Mom opens the bedroom door and I step out into the hall where Ford leans against the wall like he has all the time in the world to wait for me.

“Anything for you,” he tells me, hearing my thoughts. I hadn’t realized I let the block slip. Oh well, I’m above caring now. It’s time to get married!

My mom kisses me on the cheek before stepping away toward Solomon. He teleports her to the clearing.

Looping my arm through Ford’s, I glance up at him. His eyes so full of joy and love. He’s been a solid force in my life ever since the day he first appeared in my dreams. My best friend, the vampire dream walker.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks, obviously joking.

“I don’t know. I could really go either way at this point. Do you think Rion would miss me if I teleported away to your family’s villa in Amalfi?” The house Ford’s parents own in Italy is jaw-droppingly stunning. Like, want to spend all your time there staring at the water beautiful.

“It’s empty since my parents are here. You’d have the place to yourself.”

“That sounds lovely. But I think I’ll get married. What the hell, right? I mean, I’m already mated to the wolf. This is just a technicality.”

“Call it what you will,” Ford says. “But we both know this is way more than that to you.”

I smile. “You’re right. I guess we better get moving. Wouldn’t want to stand him up at the altar.”

“He would find you. Though I’m sure we could get Kylest to use his magic to block out your location.” Kylest is one of our incredibly powerful fae friends.

“Nah, but that would be a fun way to play hide and seek. “

Ford laughs. “Rion would murder Ky where he stood if he did that.”

“My mate may be a shifter with vampire powers, but he wouldn’t stand a chance against the fae prince of North America.”

“I still can’t get used to calling Ky that. I mean, I know that’s who he is, but to me he’s still just Kylest.”

“I know. Too bad he doesn’t wear a crown around us. He doesn’t even wear fae clothes most of the time. I’m surprised he showed up in formal fae wear today and not in shorts and a T-shirt.” That fae does whatever he pleases, and one of those things is dressing up like the humans in the land he oversees. Ky is much more at home in everyday human wear than in his fae clothes. Luckily, he has the kind of magic where he can change his attire with a flick of his wrist.

“If he wore a crown, I’d tease him relentlessly.”

I laugh. “Yes, you would.”

Arm in arm, Ford snaps his fingers and teleports us to the dense woods surrounding the clearing where I’m getting married. Soft music begins to play as we step out into the aisle made with long, white cloth, which leads to the shifter I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.

Everyone stands as Ford and I approach. Tears are in some of the females’ eyes. The males smile or nod as we pass by. There are so many here today. So many loved ones who are celebrating this occasion with us.

As we walk down the aisle, I meet their eyes, smile back, then put my focus on the male waiting for me. The one who I can feel as his love radiates in my chest. That part of me, that’s solely for him, where I know every one of his emotions.

Today, we’ll vow our love and commitment to one another. Today, we’ll officially become husband and wife.