“You made it.” I turn to see Harris round the corner, his focus on Everett.

“Hey, yeah. I tried calling you a couple of times but it went straight to voicemail.” Everett turns, giving his older brother a brief one-armed hug.

“Sorry. It’s been a crazy day.” Harris pauses, his gaze sliding to me. “Hannah.” He nods. “How’s my bride-to-be?”

“Probably cursing at the walls because her maid of honor has been gone extremely too long.” I smile. “I should probably get back.” I turn my attention to Everett, before adding, “It was nice seeing you again.”

“Yeah.” He nods. “You, too. I guess I’ll see you in there.” He nods toward the entrance of the church where several people have already begun to take their seats, including my mom and Aunt Shari who are already planted in the second row on the bride’s side.

“Yep.” I offer a half wave before spinning on my heel and quickly making my way back toward the bridal dressing room located at the far end of the hall.

When I push my way inside, Blue is still standing exactly where I left her, in front of the floor length mirror staring at her reflection like she can’t believe what she’s seeing. If I had to guess, I’d say looking at herself in a wedding dress after claiming for years she would never get married, is a bit difficult to wrap her head around.

“There you are.” Her gaze slides to me as I close the door behind me. “I was about to send my mom out to look for you.”

“Sorry, I ran into Everett in the hallway.”

“Everett’s here?” She lets out a slow breath. “Thank god. I was starting to worry he wasn’t going to make it in time.”

“Well, he almost didn’t. He said his flight landed just a couple of hours ago.”

“Talk about cutting it close.” She shakes her head, knotting her hands nervously in front of herself.

“You okay?” I give her a knowing smile.

“If by okay you mean I feel like my stomach is about to fall out of my butt, then yeah, I’m doing great.”

“Umm.” I chuckle but before I can say more there’s a knock at the door, and Blue’s father steps inside moments later.

“It’s time.” His eyes glaze over as he gets his first look at his daughter in her wedding gown.

“Oh god.” She blows out a shaky breath.

“Hey.” I step up in front of her and take both of her hands in mine. “Everything is going to be fine. I know you’re nervous now but it’s because of the ceremony and all the people. It has nothing to do with Harris. You want to marry him,” I remind her.

“I really do.” She gives me a watery smile.

“Then take a deep breath and focus on him. I’ll be right next to you the entire time.”

“Thanks, Hannah.”

I lean in and give my friend a light kiss to the cheek, careful that none of my lipstick comes off on her face in the process.

“I’ll see you out there.” I give her another smile before turning and quickly exiting the room.

The ceremony goes by in a blur. I feel like one second I’m watching Blue walk down the aisle with her father, and the next Harris is kissing the bride.

I’m not sure who cried more – me or Blue’s dad.

It was such a beautiful moment and one I am so honored to have been a part of. And while I couldn’t be more thrilled for my best friend, a part of me also couldn’t help but feel a little sad as they were saying their vows.

The way they looked at each other, how much love they share, it’s a blinding reminder of what I’m missing in my life and what I worry I may never find.

“Well, we survived.” Everett takes the seat next to me at the wedding party table that’s centered at the head of the room.

“We did.” I smile, my gaze locked on the happy couple as they share their first dance as husband and wife. “And so did they.”

“They look so happy,” he observes, his voice soft.