Ready to get back to exploring the attraction, I grab one of the remaining shots. “What do you suppose we should do with these?”

Jack’s eyes get hooded and he licks his lower lip. “Stand up for me.”

I do as he says, and he motions for me to come closer. It’s not until I’m once again standing between his legs that he stops my momentum. He places the lime between my fingers and licks the exposed skin below my collarbone. After the salt is sprinkled to his satisfaction, he licks it off, takes the shot, and brings my fingers holding the fruit to his mouth. With a gentle nip of my thumb, he pulls the lime into his mouth.

“You’re turn.” He holds the final shot in his hand. “How do you want it?”

The hollow of his throat sits at eye level. Grabbing the saltshaker in my right hand, I tilt his chin back with my left as I lick the indent just below his Adam’s Apple and add a little salt. He groans as I use my tongue to remove the crystals. My body trembles in anticipation of my next move when I remove the shot glass from his hand and toss it back.

“No lime?” His hands fist on his thighs like he’s trying hard to contain himself to allow me to make the next move.

“No need,” I whisper huskily.

Placing my hands behind his neck, I bring my mouth to his for a panty melting kiss he takes control of immediately. Jack brings his hands to my back as the kiss continues and they wander to rest just above my ass.

He devours my mouth and I can feel myself grow damp between my thighs. The hands on my back tighten until my body lays flush against his. His erection presses against my stomach causing another rush of moisture from my core.

“Honey,” Jack groans, “while I love where this is heading, we’re giving others quite a show. We either need to take it down several notches or move it elsewhere.”

“Fuck.” I whimper when he scrapes his teeth along my neck. “Your suite, please.”

“Are you sure? If you change your mind at any time, you just say the word. I’m a big boy and I can handle it.” He resumes his assault on my senses.

“I’m sure,” I pant out. “I’m really fucking sure.”

With a chuckle, he stands and throws several bills on the bar. He takes my hand into his and walks briskly through the bar, through the lobby, and to the elevator bay. We remain silent while we wait for the car to arrive.

When the steel doors open, he directs me to enter before him and pushes the door closed button before anyone else can join us. Lifting me off the ground, I wrap my legs around his waist as he presses me against the cold elevator walls.

He doesn’t just kiss me.

He explores every part of my mouth with his lips, teeth, and tongue.

My body responds in a torrent of sensation and my mind focuses on the pure sensuality of the act. It’s frenzied and wild, and I’m loving every minute of it.

The kiss continues when the elevator dings announcing our arrival at his floor. Without breaking our connection, he carries me out the open doors and down the hallway until we reach his suite.

“I either need to put your down or you need to help me out here.” He’s struggling for breath as he rests his forehead against mine. “I need to get the room key out of my pocket.”

Taking my hand, I slip into his front pocket only to find it empty. His thick erection jumps against my fingertips as I lightly tease him through his pants.

“You’re killing me here,” he states, his voice laced with sexual need and desire. “It’s in the other pocket.”

I remove my hand, but not before I brush my fingers one final time against his hardness. Slipping my hand in the other pocket, I extract the hotel key and place it into the slot in the door. When the lock clicks, Jack pushes us through.

The overwhelming need to slow things down a bit comes over me and I tap his shoulder. “Can you place me down for a second, please?”

“Are you having second thoughts?” Concern echoes in his words.

“Not at all,” I reassure him. “I just need a bit of a breather and would like to freshen up a little, if that’s okay with you.”

“More than okay, sweet girl.” Jack lowers me to my feet. “While you are freshening up, how about I order a few drinks and maybe a snack or two from room service?”

“That sounds great. Just no tequila.” I flush at the memories from the bar. “I think I’ve hit my quota for the night.”

Giving myself a moment, I take in the opulent suite. The living area boasts a large television on the wall with a gas fireplace below. A plush, cream throw rug lays on the floor in front of a dark brown leather sofa. Two modern side tables flank either side of the couch showcasing a perfect meshing of metal and wood.

A small dining area houses a table with two chairs and kitchenette with coffee maker, microwave, and fridge. The open concept room is large. To the right I find a doorway which I assume leads to the bedroom and en suite bathroom.