Walking up to him, I pull his shirt apart as the buttons fly everywhere.

“God, that was sexy.” He grips my ass and pulls me upward. My legs wrap around his waist as he carries me down the hall to his bedroom. He’s slightly out of breath by the time we reach our destination, but the feel of his cock between my legs has me forgetting I’m too heavy for him to easily move around.

Clint places me on my feet next to the bed where we quickly undress ourselves and jump under the covers. The tingles in my nose are getting worse and I just know the cat must sleep on this bed.

After a quick make out session with mild fondling, he’s hovering over me and sinking slowly inside. Straight and to the point.

He’s a little smaller than I’d hoped, but as long as he knows what he’s doing it shouldn’t matter. It starts off slow, then his thrusts get deeper and harder waking up my libido. Alright, I can get onboard with this.

It’s just starting to get good when the prick of a cat jumps on the bed and eyes me. Just staring, trying to figure out what’s going on. Clint’s going to town on me and I know my climax is right around the corner. My toes begin to tingle making all thoughts of the devil cat leave my mind. Every thought overtaken by Clint’s mediocre thrusts. I’ll take mediocre as long as it gets the job done. It’s coming; I feel it in the distance. I raise my right knee and wrap it around his ass.

“Right there. Harder,” I plead for him to pick up the pace. “Yessss,” I hiss when my body starts to tense.

It’s at this precise moment the cat comes up and lies next to me and there’s no holding back. The pre

-sneeze breathing sets forth. All thoughts of orgasm taking a hike. Fuck.

“Oh yeah, you like that, doll?” Clint thinks my sneeze face is my sex face… “Fuck yeah, I’m gonna cum.”

For a solid 30 seconds, my eyes fill with water and spill down my cheeks, my nostrils flare and my mouth forms an O shape that partly opens and shuts. It’s starting to weird me out that he’s getting so into it when I’m clearly struggling. I have to fight off a giggle at what I must look like, when finally I can’t hold it back any longer.

“It’s coming,” comes out of his mouth at the same moment my sneeze finally escapes.

The cat runs away in fear as the force of the sneeze pushes Clint backward. His dick flies out leaving the condom still inside me, and the worst part? The sneeze must have contracted the walls of my vagina and since his orgasm started, he shoots at me like a fire hose.

“My eye!” I shriek as some jizz flies inside and starts burning like a mother.

“What the fuck?” Clint yells not knowing whats going on, still amidst the throes of his orgasm. Still thrusting but now just at the air.

What does one do when in a situation like this? Get the fuck out of dodge, that’s what. I run out of his house so fast I leave my shoes and underwear. Anything to get away from the train wreck and that goddamn cat.

I’m walking down the sidewalk wiping at my eye trying to clean it out and shoot a text to my brother begging him to come pick me up. He’s a police detective and usually patrols around this part of town. Prostitution is out of control apparently.

How ironic.

Calling him would be the last number on my list, but I’m desperate to get out of this neighborhood and he’s the fastest route.

My brother’s cherry red sport car pulls up to the curb. He greets me with a joke about prostitution as I’m Googling the potential diseases I can get from getting semen in my damn eye.

“Shut the hell up. I’m not a hooker.”

“Could have fooled me. What did I do in a past life to have to pick up my sister from a hookup?” He sighs and points to the back seat.

“What about the front?” I pout.

“Sorry, Car, got my new partner with me.”

Damn, a new partner to witness me in all my shame. After buckling up I look toward the front seat. His partner’s looking out the window so I don’t get a good glimpse.

“Sorry we’re not meeting under better circumstances. I’m Carly.” I reach out my hand and gasp when he turns his warm whiskey eyes my way.

“Sorry, Car, this is my new partner Devin Hardy.”

Devin…Vin. Devin, my brother’s new partner is Vin. My Vin. The man that turned my world inside out then disappeared off the face of the earth.

Fuck. My. Life.

The car ride is silent even though my brother cracks a few more jokes at my expense. He mustn’t be that great at his job if he can’t sense the awkward tension between me and his new partner.