“A dickstagram? Oh, let me see.” My friend Demi reaches for my phone, but I pull it back. Somehow, I feel protective of his beautiful package.

“No, he thinks he’s sending it to his…whatever she is. It was fun to play with him, but that’s too personal.”

“That good? Accidental dick pics are the best. You have no attachment to the little guy.” Sarah eyes me. No doubt figuring out if she can take me down in her pursuit to get my phone.

“Oh yeah. Although, in this case not so little.” I laugh, quickly firing off a text saying I’m really not the woman he’s looking for and hope he has a great night. Text manners are a thing.

We finish getting ready and jump in a cab. A friend of ours runs the door at a bar in town and we get special privilege with cutting the horrendous lines. We would not be going to this place otherwise, I’m not into freezing my ass off hoping enough people leave so I can get in.

“What’s up, ladies?” Devon asks getting up from his stool at the door. He hugs us and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“What’s up, D? Busy tonight?” Demi asks.

“As always, but go

on in.” With a wink he’s pulling the rope back and aggravated groans fill the silence when we cut the line and head for the entrance. He has a thing for Demi and I know the feeling is mutual from how she gushes over him in private. One of these days they’ll pull the trigger and give it a go, but Demi comes with a lot of baggage she’s not ready to share.

My eyes have to adjust to the darkness of the bar when we’re inside. It’s more of a club and bar hybrid. There aren’t any strobe lights or dancing on the main floor. Dancing takes place on the third floor, generally where we spend all of our time.

Sometime later, we’re all dancing in a group on the dance floor. The house DJ is on fire and playing all of our favorite songs. I’ve been delaying leaving to grab some water, but my dry throat cannot be ignored any longer.

I grab Demi’s attention and tip my head back to mimic drinking a bottle with my hand. She nods and taps Sarah’s shoulder. We hold hands and weave through all the gyrating bodies.

I glance around the bar as I sip my water. This bar top makes a complete circle in the center of the room and it’s jam-packed shoulder to shoulder. I’m people watching when my eyes skim past a taller man, then fly back. He is without a doubt the most gorgeous man here, it almost hurts to look directly at him. His hair is cut close to his scalp and he has one of those lumberjack beards that I usually don’t find attractive, but he makes it look über-sexy.

He’s like the sun. Complete fire.

It’s not his looks that stop me—even though he has those in spades—it’s the intense way he’s looking in my direction. I can’t be sure he’s looking at me, he could be looking at one of my girls for all I know. I can’t even be sure it’s not someone a few people over. From across the bar it’s hard to tell. Finally, he looks away scanning the crowd giving me a chance to study him further.

He’s taller than everyone surrounding him. Even when he bends over and places his forearms across the bar top, he’s still towering over most of them. The blue button-up somehow doesn’t look geeky but rather like he’s come from the runway in Milan. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and his hands are clasped in front of him.

Well, hello tattoos…

“No freaking way,” I gasp, garnering some attention from the people nearby.

“What?” Sarah and Demi ask in unison.

“That guy, Dickstagram, he’s here.” I gulp nervously. Shit, he knows it was me. He’s come to tell me off for playing with the state of his needy boner.

“How do you know? Is someone walking around with their dick out?” Sarah laughs.

“No, but in the picture, I saw a tattoo on his forearm. The same tattoo a guy over there has. Stop, don’t look,” I whisper-yell when they begin to turn around.

“Why the fuck are you whispering? It’s not like he can hear you. How do you know it’s the same tattoo?” Demi questions.

“Shut up, I’m nervous. I’m not sure how many people have a tattoo of a boat and compass. I didn’t think I’d actually recognize the guy or that he’d show up.”

They ask where he is and I do my best to describe him as they both peek over my shoulder and gawk. “Way to look obvious girls,” I mumble.

“Holy shit, he’s so freaking hot. I wasn’t expecting this. I can’t believe he came,” Sarah says dumbfounded.

“Tell me about it. He’s expecting some bathroom nookie, you know. I don’t even like peeing in a public bathroom.”

“I’m on it.” Demi goes to leave, but I grab her arm.

“No way. We can’t talk to him.”

“And why not?”