It’s tight and uncomfortable but I savor each burn, each awkward thrust until he slams through my barrier and his balls slap against my ass.

“Fucking Christ, Ember, why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were a goddamned virgin?” he hisses in my ear and tears gather in my eyes as he drops his head onto my shoulder.

I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing at all. I’m not ashamed of waiting for the right man and I won’t apologize for not telling him. I don’t think he would have stuck around if he’d have known.

“Ember, fucking talk to me.” The worry in his tone has me meeting his gaze as his head lifts and he searches mine.

“I didn’t want you to change your mind,” I tell him honestly.

“You’re too fucking good for a man like me, Em. I shouldn’t have been your first.” I hate how hot and cold he gets. I’d like to smack it out of him. “But I’m damn fucking glad you chose a real man to give you everything you deserve.” His tone softens and so does my raging heart.

“Make it a night to remember, Noah, please.” It’s all I wanted to begin with.

“You can bet your sweet ass I will,” he vows before his hips begin to slowly move. The thrusting getting easier with each pass and soon I can feel my pleasure rising like a tidal wave once again.

I gasp as Noah’s fingers tighten on my hips and his breaths come harsher in my ear. I can hardly breathe as my body lights up like New Years in times square. White dots crowd my vision and my head swims with adulation. I want the moment to last an eternity but all too soon it’s coming to an end, and the sounds of our bodies as Noah makes slow love to me is all I hear.

I could live like this forever. “Em,” he groans, his hips begin to slow their pace, almost like he wants to draw it out too.

Kissing the side of his neck, I murmur, “Let go for me, Noah. Let yourself feel me.” And it doesn’t take but a minute before he stiffens, and I feel him fill the condom with his release.

Regret slams me in the chest because I wish we had more time. I wish we had a lifetime.

Collapsing on top of me, Noah places light kisses along my shoulder until I’m relaxed, and he rolls off, pulling me into his arms.

Sleep pulls me under, and I’ve never been happier.

Or more terrified.

Waking up alone in the morning, I have a mix of emotions.

Happiness that we finally gave into our desires.

And sadness that I’ll never have Noah Brennan again.



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

It’s midnight.

I just finished an eighteen-hour shift.

I’m exhausted.

I shouldn’t fucking be here.

Ember deserves better. But one night wasn’t enough. It will never be enough, and I knew it the minute I took her to bed last night. I’m addicted to her.

Her sultry sighs.

The soft moans when I kiss behind her ear.

My name on her lips.

Like an addict, I need more.