“Noah.” She sighs my name and all I can picture is her buried beneath me as she does it again and again.

“I’m gonna own you tonight, Em. Every inch of this delectable little body is going to be mine and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do to stop it.” What I don’t say is, I’m not sure she’ll want me, come the harsh light of day.



My body is on fire in the most delicious way. Noah’s fingers light me up like a candle and I don’t want it to stop. Not ever. I want him for the rest of my life and even if he’s unsure now, I know eventually he’ll get on board.

In the meantime, I plan to enjoy every delightfully dirty thing he’s promising to do to me tonight.

We stumble our way into my room, and he slams the door again, hands still on my hips, as we fall onto the bed. Even though he could have squished me, Noah doesn’t, he braces his arms on either side me. Brushing my hair to the side, he begins kissing along my shoulder, pushing the strap of my shirt to the side as he does.

“You taste like berries. How the fuck is that even possible?” he groans as his fingers roam my flesh. I can feel his hard length digging against my ass cheek, through our clothes, as he nips at me and I fight like hell to simply enjoy the moment.

Teasing my fingers along his thighs, I feel his muscles ripple and shiver. “It’s my lotion,” I answer him.

The pressure of his weight eases and as I turn to peer up at him, I see he’s staring down at me with passion in his gaze. Wicked intent is written across his features for the world to see.

“Just tonight, Em, it can’t go past tonight.” His words cramp my heart. I want to say no, it’s forever, but I can see the torment in his gaze the longer it takes me to answer and I know I’ll say anything to have this with him.

“Tonight,” I agree. Remaining hopeful for more.

His hands move upward, catching my top with them and he pulls it up and over my head. As it lands on the ground, I hold my breath, waiting for his next move.

Bending forward, Noah places light kisses along my spine. Being sure to grace each vertebra with his soft touch. My eyes close as I savor the moment. Needing to have every trace of Noah ingrained in my memory for the future.

Every silky touch, each soft kiss, every loving word, I hold them all in my heart to be brought out when I’m feeling lonely again.

I feel his fingers pulling my sweats down my body and lift my hips, eager for his next move. Noah doesn’t disappoint as the sound of his shorts hitting the ground echoes around the room and I smile secretly as my eyes open.

Turning to my back, I get my first good look at Noah, naked.

He’s utter perfection.

No, he’s a sculpture that should be shown in a fine arts museum and worshipped for all time. Noah is the perfect specimen of man.

“Christ woman,” he groans as he stands back. Suddenly self-conscious, I wait for his reprimand. The boys I’ve dated are always telling me I’m too lanky. I’m a dancer and I burn off more than I can eat. My curves don’t go for days, my breasts are barely a handful and my butt is flat.

Gripping the ankle of one leg, he lifts it up, so my thigh is resting against his chest as he kneels on the bed. “I could devour you for fucking days with these thick thighs.” He kisses the inside of my leg and I shiver. Delighted he likes what he sees.

Seeing a foil package in his other hand, I feel slightly sad that he’s insistent on only one night. If he wanted more, we could forgo the condom, but I’ll play by his rules for now.

Placing my leg back down on the bed, he spreads them and pushes my ankles to my ass, ordering, “Hold your ankles and don’t let go.”

Shy, and slow to do as he says, he growls, and my hands grip my ankles with lightening speed. His lips quirk up in a half smile, meeting my stare briefly, he slowly rolls his eyes down my body where they settle between my legs.

A whimper breaks out of my chest as he moves in. I can feel his hot breath on my flesh, and I can already see stars in my eyes.

Noah doesn’t know this, but I’ve never had a man in my bed before.


Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, she fucking smells and tastes like them all. I could eat this woman for days and never tire of it. It’s a flavor I’ll never be able to smell again without associating it to her.

Touching Ember’s soft flesh is what I imagine running my fingers through a cloud is like. Heavenly. I’m not sure how I’m going to walk away from her after tonight, but I know I can’t not take what she’s offering so freely to me now.

I wish things were different, that I could love her freely but neither of us are there yet. Not right now. In a couple years I think we could have been great. We could have been forever.