“I can’t believe I let you do that.” She steps away from me, straightening her clothes, wearing a satisfied grin.

“I can’t believe you fell for those pick-up lines. Either I’m way more charming than I thought, or your standards are way lower.”

“Neither.” She pushes me away with a grin. “I just had a lot of pent up sexual energy left over from last night,” she taunts.

I lean against the shelf and fold my arms across my chest. “Don’t blame me for that. It was your roommate who put an end to things.”

Skye’s rummaging through her purse, but her head snaps up at my accusation. She steps forward and pokes me in the chest, an annoyed look plastered on her face.

“Okay, number one, stop referring to our children as roommates—”

“Would you prefer I call them cockblockers?” I interrupt with a shrug, enjoying the way my antagonism riles her up.

“My babies are not cockblockers,” she hisses.

I want to argue that my carefully planned romantic dinner that was interrupted by Summer’s tantrum last night when she woke up and refused to go back to sleep—unless it was in our bed—blatantly contradicts that statement. Instead, I hold my hands up in surrender.

“You’re right. They’re innocent little angels and are in no way responsible for the fact that we haven’t had sex in an actual bed in months.”

She purses her lips and narrows her eyes at me, but there’s no heat behind them. We both know that, despite my words, Summer and Poppy have me wrapped around their little fingers.

She swings her purse over her shoulder and her engagement ring glints in the dim light. The reminder that she’s going to be mine completely and legally very soon, has my still-hard cock twitching.

“What was number two?” I ask her distractedly.

“Hmmm?” Is her only response as she gathers up her shopping bags that had been carelessly dropped under my ministrations.

“You said number one before. What’s number two?”

“Oh,” she pauses. “Speaking of our roommates.” She glares at me. “Where are they? I’m assuming you didn’t leave them to fend for themselves.”

“Cassidy stopped by to see you and out of the kindness of her heart, she agreed to watch the girls for me until you got back.”

“The kindness of her heart, huh?” She smirks as she scans the r

ows of books in front of her, imagining all the ways her best friend tormented me earlier, I’m sure.

“She might’ve also made me promise to watch her kids every Friday night next month,” I grumble.

Skye’s soft laugh echoes in the quiet corner of the shop and she turns just in time to catch me adjusting myself.

“You okay there?” she mocks.

“Not really.” I do my best to disguise my hard-on. “Unless you want to help me out?”

She tilts her head thoughtfully and then cranes her neck toward the front of the shop, where the grumpy owner is currently engaged in an animated conversation with an equally grumpy looking old lady.

She turns back to me, a wicked glint in her eye. “Drop your pants, baby cakes.”



He moves toward me like an eager puppy, his hands already on his belt, and I have to stifle a laugh as I step back farther into the hidden corner.


“Mmm,” his answer is mumbled, his attention still focused on removing his pants, so I fist his shirt and pull him down to me so I can whisper in his ear.