“Uh,” I started, unsure of what to say.

“Wait.” He demanded, holding up a hand and stopping me from saying anything further. Then, he moved to sit across the coffee table from me. Dropping onto the edge, he tossed his sunglasses to the side, and I met his blue eyes straight on.

My throat closed. He was absolutely insanely beautiful.

He locked his eyes on mine and swallowed hard, “This is fuckin’ weird. I know it’s weird, and I don’t know why I can’t seem to stop. It’s been his way since the first time I laid eyes on you.”

I nodded. Oh, how I knew that feeling.

I started to open my mouth and tell him that, but he started again. “I’ve been following you for weeks. You bumped into me, I caught the scent of your perfume, and I clocked you. When you went to your car, I followed you. I’ve been in your house, been to your job, followed you to the store. Tagged your car with a tracker. It’s an obsession.”

I stiffened.

He’d been in my house.

He’d been in my space.

He was tracking my every move.

I really, really liked that, and my body warmed with the knowledge, even though it was supposed to be disturbing.

He read my face and jerked to his full height, “See?” he gestured at me, “That’s not a normal reaction. You should be freaked. You should call the cops. It’s fuckin’ twisted. I just can’t seem to stay away from you.”

I stood and found my voice, “Good.” I nodded. It was only one word, but it was the only one I needed.

Raw, unadulterated lust sizzled through me and lifted the hair on my arms. My nipples peaked, and I made up my mind. I moved toward him, into his space, adding a seductive sway to my hips and murmured huskily, “I saw you at the grocery store the other day. Do you know what I did?”

I stopped inches from him and trailed a finger over the buttery leather of his vest. As if mesmerized, all he did was shake his head, never breaking our eye contact. Peeking up at him through my lashes, I tilted my head to the side, letting my heavy hair settle over my shoulder. With what I hoped was a sexy laugh, I said, “Well, at first, I tried to follow you and failed. Miserably. But when I got home and after a pout, I climbed in the shower, soaped myself up and got myself off, imagining it was you the whole time.”

His jaw ticked, but he didn’t move or speak. I wasn’t even really sure that he was breathing. I lowered my eyes and started to step back when he reached down and tipped my jaw back up to meet his eyes once more. “This is fucked up. This isn’t normal.”

“Who gets to say what’s normal for us, baby?” I asked pointedly.

His baby blues held me captive for several long moments before he shook it off and yanked me into him. I lost my balance and stumbled but didn’t have the opportunity to so much as gasp before he surged to his feet and planted his mouth on mine.



A complete loss of control.

I teetered on my heels once before his hand moved to my ass, his fingers digging into the material of the skirt covering it. He dug in, and I moaned and leaned further into him.

In response, his other hand found its way to my other cheek, and he squeezed while boosting me up. My skirt bunched between us awkwardly, but there was no stopping now.

He turned and stalked out of the room. I didn’t know or care where we were going. I needed him, and that was all that mattered. He yanked his mouth from mine and dropped me on the bed with a bounce. I expected him to land on top of me and was shocked and annoyed when he stepped back and ran a hand through his hair.

“This is crazy.”

I snorted ironically.

It wasn’t funny, but then again, it was. His lips perked up slightly, and he moved to sit in the chair against the wall. Elbows resting on his knees, he steepled his fingers, pointers to his lips, and watched me.

I waited for him to speak because I couldn’t find any words. This was crazy. I didn’t even know his name. Deciding that this was something I should know before he fucked me five ways to Sunday, I asked stupidly, “So, I’m Chloe. What’s your name?”

His face shifted to shock, “You don’t know?”

Uh oh. I felt like I was about to get into trouble here, so I asked, “Do you know my name?”