“It’s okay, Boo-Boo. We just need to try a little harder, okay?” He picks her up and kisses her cheek. She hugs him back, and I hear his sigh of contentment as they stay like this for a couple of seconds before he puts her back down.

“You want to help me with the rest of these petals?” Robert asks her and she nods with enthusiasm. He gives her a handful of red petals, and they throw them all over the bed. Next, they scatter some over the bathroom counter near Jenna’s toiletries and then go back into the living room to get the last bag. Robert makes it a game by having Avery follow him, stomping her feet while he sings “We’re following the leader” from Peter Pan.

Once they’re done, I collect the empty bags and throw them in the trash. “Thank you, Robert. The place looks much better.”

“It sure does and you’re welcome.” He looks at his watch on his wrist and frowns. “I need to go before Jenna questions my whereabouts. Happy Valentine’s Day, sugar.” He blows Avery a kiss goodbye, nods at me, and exits the apartment.

“All right, sweetheart. Time for you to get your overnight bag for grandma’s house and then we’re off to have our special day together.” I grab her hand and take her back into her bedroom.

“Daddy-” she pulls her hand from mine and stops as soon as we enter her room. I look down at her to see concern filling her eyes. “-will you always be my Valentine too?”

I kneel down and wrap my arms around her. “Always and forever,” I tell her before hugging her.

And I mean every damn word.

No one will ever keep me away from my family again.



I’m in the middle of helping my team put the final touches on the backdrop for the photo-booth when Robert comes back in from his “coffee run.” I stand back to let them finish and look at my watch to see that he’s been gone an hour. With a coffee shop only one block away from here, I’m pretty sure stopping at my apartment to help Cal with whatever surprise he has for me was also on his agenda.

I told Cal not to go crazy for today, but I know that man won’t listen. Everything he does is over-the-top and well thought out. He’s so hung up on the fact it’s our first Valentine’s Day together that I’m afraid my gifts for him are going to fall short compared to what he has planned.

I’ve never been a big Valentine’s Day kind of girl. I think every day should be like Valentine’s Day. Not with materialistic items, but with feeling loved, respected and valued. Cal is very good at always making me feel special and loved, even when he’s away. Just having him back in my life is one of the best presents I’ve ever received.

My thoughts are interrupted by Robert as he approaches me with my cup of coffee. He doesn’t meet my eyes, and I can tell by the look on his face that he’s nervous. An evil smile spreads on my lips as I decide to bust his balls regarding his little errand.

“How’s everything going? Looks like we’re almost done here.” He hands me my drink and I nod before taking a sip. Time to start having some fun with Robert. I decide I’m going to pretend my coffee is cold to lead into my questioning.

“Eew,” I fake cry out, shaking my head in disgust. “My coffee is cold.”

“What? That can’t be right. I just left there.” He looks at me in such disbelief that I struggle to keep a straight face.

“Is that so? Because you’ve been gone an hour.” He licks his lips in nervousness and takes a sip of his drink to stall before responding.

“The line was long. I had to go to another coffee shop down the road.” He refuses to meet my eyes, and I shake my head at him for lying to me.

“Really? Which one?” I question, my eyes daring him to continue his charade.

“Um… I don’t remember what it’s called. I was in such a hurry to find a place that wasn’t crowded that I didn’t pay attention to the name.”

“Hmm, I wonder which one you went to.” I tap my finger against my lips, pretending to think about it. “Because according to this sticker on my cup, you went to PJ’s Coffee, which is less than a block from here.” I narrow my eyes at him, turn my cup around, and point to the sticker.


“You know, you’re really annoying sometimes,” he huffs and I shrug my shoulders in a response back, a smirk playing on my lips at how satisfied I feel right now about calling him out on his deceit.

“Is Cal okay or has he stressed himself out with his crazy plans?”

“Nice try, but I’m not revealing anything he has planned for you.” He points his finger at me with his free hand and stares me down. “You need to do me a favor and pretend to love everything he does for you tonight.”

“Pretend? I don’t need to pretend, because I do love everything he does for me.” I look at Robert in confusion, wondering why he would even say such a thing. “Thanks for making me sound like a cold-hearted bitch.”

“I’ve seen you in action before, so this is my due diligence as one of your best friends to tell you to be nice when you see what he’s done.”

My mouth drops open at his words and he laughs at my shocked expression. I decide to let the subject drop since I will find out soon enough. A tiny shiver passes through me at the thought of what waits for me when I get home. Here’s hoping it will be a very naked Cal in bed, waiting to ravish me. He’s been so tired the past couple of nights from traveling that we’ve barely had sex. All that man has to do is look at me and I’m ready for him to be inside of me. No man has ever made me feel so crazy with want the way Cal does. I can’t wait for this movie to finally be over with and have him home.