Page 94 of Treacherous

It’s crazy to think how much things have changed over the last few months. After everything Oliver did to me, you’d think I wouldn’t be able to stand to be in the same room with him. But something changed between us after the night Tiffany drugged me.

I wouldn’t say all is forgiven, and it definitely has not been forgotten, but little by little we’ve moved into a semblance of a friendship. He still drives me crazy most days and always insists on calling me sis because he knows how much I hate it, but for the most part, we’ve learned to co-exist quite well. Of course, part of that is probably because Zayden has threatened to beat him within an inch of his life if he ever does anything to hurt me again.

And while my senior year was nothing like I’d planned it would be, in the end, it turned out better than I could have ever dreamed. Because at the end of it all, I walked away on top—with Zayden by my side.

Not to mention, I also found a forever friend in Charles Pierce. He’s only been gone for a week and I already miss him like crazy. Zayden and I have plans to visit New York for a week over the holiday break. I’ve always wanted to visit the East Coast, so having one of my best friends attending NYU isn’t the worst thing in the world.

“Please tell me that’s not Oliver I just passed in the parking lot.” Savannah sighs as she walks into our apartment and spots me in the kitchen.

“He brought some stuff from the house.” I meet her halfway, relieving her of two of the fountain drinks she has wedged between her side and her arm.

“Of course he did. He can’t really believe any of us buy this good guy act he’s got going on.” She huffs, setting the third drink and a bag of food on top of the stove as she turns toward me.

“Savannah.” I give her a knowing look.

“Why is it that after everything he’s done to you, you still insist on giving him the benefit of the doubt?”

“Because he’s my brother.”

“Stepbrother,” she corrects. “And not a very good one, I might add.” She rolls her eyes, turning back toward the stove. “I didn’t get him anything, and I’m not sharing,” she tells me as she empties the bag of sandwiches in front of her.

When Zayden mentioned he was hungry earlier, Savannah jumped at the chance to go get us lunch. I think it was her way of getting out of carrying up anymore boxes.

“I don’t think he’s staying. He said he’s on his way to his dorm room and just came by to drop off some stuff from the house.”

“Well, thank goodness for that. I am not in the mood to deal with him today.”

I think it’s safe to say that while everyone has done their best to move on from what happened in the past, Savannah has not. She harbors a lot of hatred toward Oliver for everything he put me through—and rightfully so. If the roles were reversed, I know I would probably feel the same way. Best friend code and all.

I’m curious to see how this year is going to go with all three of us at the same school. Then again, Seattle University isn’t small by any means. Savannah or I don’t have any of the same classes our first semester—mainly because our majors are completely different—and it’s unlikely that we’ll share any with Oliver, either. So, other than maybe a group setting, I can’t see where Oliver and Savannah will be forced to share much interaction. It’s not like I’m betting on him stopping by to visit on a regular basis or anything.

Things did get better after Oliver settled things with his dad, but he still isn’t going to be winning any stepbrother of the year awards anytime soon. I may no longer be the object of his cruelty, but that doesn’t mean he’s some kind of angel all of the sudden. Oliver is still Oliver. Arrogant. Selfish. Beyond full of himself…. The list goes on and on.

“What the fuck, dude.” Zayden barks out a laugh as he and Oliver make their way back into the apartment, both carrying large boxes. They drop them right inside the door.

“Do I even want to know?” My gaze bounces between the two men. Thanks to the open floor plan of our apartment, I have a clear view of both of them from the kitchen.

“Fucking Oliver just about tripped me up the stairs.” Zayden throws him a sideways glance.

“Not my fault you walk like a grandpa,” Oliver fires back.

“Men,” I grumble under my breath to Savannah, who sets my sandwich in front of me.

“Z, I have your sandwich here whenever you want it,” Savannah tells him, holding it up so he can see it before setting it next to mine.

“Thanks, Savannah.” He smiles and nods at her before turning. “I’m going to head back down and get the rest of the boxes. There’s only a couple left. I’ll eat after I get them up here.”

“K.” I smile, loving the way his eyes do a quick sweep of me before he turns and disappears back into the hallway.

“Are you not going to help him?” Savannah crosses her arms over her chest and pins her gaze on Oliver.

“I don’t know. I think now that you’re here I might just hang out up here.” He winks and smiles, clearly messing with her.

He pulls out a box of Red Hots and tosses a few in his mouth.

She has not made her dislike of him a secret. In fact, I can’t think of a single time that these two were in the same room together that they didn’t share some sort of altercation. Oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to bother Oliver one bit. In fact, I think he rather enjoys getting her riled up.

“You might want to think again,” she challenges. “I may have been forced to be civil to you when you were living at home,