Page 86 of Treacherous

What more could there be after finding out my best friend betrayed me?

It takes every ounce of will power I possess to not beat the shit out of him this moment. Walking over to the bed, I take a seat on the end, rest my fists on my thighs, and give him a tight nod to continue.

He blows out a long breath.

“After showing Rylee the text messages Friday night, she was devastated. Which is exactly what I wanted. I didn’t see or hear anything from her after that. From what Charles told me after the fact, Rylee called him Saturday evening and asked him to go with her to Regina’s party. Apparently, she wanted to get out of the house and blow off some steam. He somehow lost track of her. He was looking for her when you met him at the stairs. After you beat the shit out of Bryant, you left, so you didn’t see what we saw. By the way Rylee was acting, Charles and I came to the same conclusion.”

He stops and his eyes take on a hard look. His hands mimic mine, turning into fists between his knees.

“What?” I snarl, dreading what I already know he’s going to say.

“Something was slipped into her drink.”

I explode out of my chair and pick up the first thing I come across. The lamp on my desk goes sailing across the room and shatters against the wall. I release a roar of rage and pick up a statue dad got me a couple years ago and it receives the same treatment as the lamp.

A wave of dizziness hits me, and I realize my breathing has become erratic and uncontrolled.

A red haze fills my vision as I begin to shake. I bend and put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

The vision of Rylee lying on that bed, drugged and out of her mind, defenseless and alone, fills my head. I fucking left her there. I fucking left her there and was gone for days. I didn’t help her. I didn’t stick around to ask questions. I just believed she was cheating on me. It fucking destroyed me to see her like that, to think she was capable of that type of betrayal. I should have stayed and demanded answers.

I knew in my gut that wasn’t something Rylee would do, but my heart was being torn to shreds at the time, so I ran. I ran because I couldn’t handle the truth. Or what I thought was the truth. That Rylee didn’t love me like I love her. That I was just a means to an end; to get back at me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pull in several deep lungful’s of air, until the dizziness begins to fade. I slowly stand up and lock eyes with Dad over Oliver’s shoulder. I can’t hear what Oliver tells him, but dad looks back at him and gives a tight nod before turning and walking away, closing the door behind him.

I lace my fingers on top of my head and regard Oliver. “Is she okay?” I ask hoarsely.

“She’s fine now. Sunday morning she had a hell of a hangover and doesn’t remember much about the night before, but the drug had no lasting effects.”

I drop my arms and stand rigidly. “What happened to Bryant?”

If I had my way, he’d be six feet under. I’ve never wished death on anyone before, but damn it if I don’t wish it on the person who almost raped Rylee.

“He had a busted jaw and a broken nose. He was forced to spend the night in the hospital. I went to see him the next day. He confirmed the assumptions that she’d been drugged. He didn’t give it to her; he was only meant to take advantage of the situation. He claims he wouldn’t have taken it all the way.”

I narrow my eyes. “Who spiked her drink?”

His eyes turn glacial. “Tiffany.”

I let out a string of curses and spin around. My fist meets the wall and chunks of plaster fall to the floor.

“I’m going to fucking kill that bitch,” I growl darkly.

“She’s gone.”

I spin back around and pin him with a glare. “What the hell do you mean she’s gone?”

He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

“Sunday, after I left Bryant, I paid a visit to Tiffany. I told her parents what Bryant said. She’d promised him a week’s worth of blow jobs to get Rylee upstairs in that room. I was going to threaten her parents with going to the cops if they didn’t ship her off somewhere, but there was no need. Apparently, they’ve been having issues with her the last couple of years. She was sent to live with her aunt in Alaska for the last few months of the school year. They’re also giving her no choice but to attend college there or be cut off.”

Thank Christ for that. I’m not sure how much self-control I’d have if I ran into her again.

“I also advised Bryant to not try and press charges against you. It’d be fucking stupid on his part. We may not be able to prove he knew Rylee was drugged, but if word got out, his family would suffer. We both know how important reputation is around here.”

I grunt. Last I heard, Bryant’s dad was running for Mayor. If word got out that his son was involved in something like this, he could kiss his chance of winning goodbye. The public doesn’t take kindly to scandal, especially when it’s of the sexual variety.

I’d still like to get my hands on the bastard again.