Page 52 of Treacherous

“No, I just… I don’t know. I thought it was a start.”

“You mean your dad told you that you had to,” I cut him off. “Well thanks, but no thanks. Zayden has already offered to pick me up in the morning, and I said yes.” This seems to get his attention and his gaze finally lands on me.

“Zayden’s giving you a ride tomorrow?” he repeats slowly like he’s trying to process it.

“He is. That’s where I was this afternoon after your little stunt. I was with Zayden.”

“So, that’s your play.” An angry snarl pulls at his lips. “Trying to get between me and my best friend.”

“There is no play, Oliver. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not like you. I don’t play games and I don’t purposely mess with people because I’m too chicken to say what it is that’s bothering me. Now if you don’t mind, I have things to do.” I stand and stomp toward him. “You know, the sad thing is, had you actually given me the time of day, I think you might have found that I’m a pretty good person to have in your life. But instead, you chose to make me the enemy. Well I’m done being your punching bag. The next time you swing, I’ll swing back. And that is a promise.” With that, I shove the door closed, forcing him into the hallway without another word.


I PULL TO A STOP in front of Oliver’s house right as Rylee exits the front door. I can tell by the way she drags her feet that she’s still nervous about showing up at school today. I wish she’d look inside herself and see the strong person I see. Yes, anyone would be reluctant to show their face after what happened yesterday, but I’ll be damned if I let anyone fuck with her either. She’s been through enough already. Oliver got to play his games; it’s time he gets over his shit.

As soon as Rylee’s ass hits the seat, I don’t even give her a chance to say hello before my hand is behind her head, and I’m tugging her lips to mine. The move is more to distract her from the impending stress of walking into school, but a bigger part, a part I’m growing used to, is for me. I simply want to taste her.

I pull back just enough to see her eyes. They flutter open and the chocolatey brown depths stare back at me softly, giving me the look I was hoping for. It’s me she’s thinking about now, not the assholes at school or Oliver.

“Morning,” she whispers, her voice slightly husky.

I run my nose along the side of hers before pecking her lips one more time. “Morning.”

Her smile is lazy and relaxed.

“Nah uh.” I stop her from buckling herself in and pat the seat next to mine. Thank Christ for bench seats. “I want you right here.”

She bites her lip, indecision warring on her face. After a moment, she relents and scoots over until her thigh and hip press against mine.

Once she’s pulled the middle strap over and has buckled herself in, I put the truck into gear. Before I pull away, I glance out the window and find Oliver at his car, staring at us. His expression is a mixture of anger and betrayal. I hate that we’re at an impasse right now, but he’s leaving me no choice. I may come across as an asshole and most people know to stay the fuck away from me, but I have my limits, and Oliver crossed them. Until he realizes this, he can go pout in a fucking corner.

I tip my chin at him. His jaw clenches, but he does the same seconds before I pull away from the curb.

Rylee sits quietly beside me for most of the ride. When her knees begin to bounce and she picks at a loose string on the bottom of her shirt to the point the hem comes loose, I reach over and grab her hand.

“Relax, Rylee, before you unravel your whole shirt.”

She grumbles something too low for me to hear.

“How did it go last night when you got home?”

She lets out a long breath. “Well, I overheard Paul giving Oliver hell in his study.” She pauses. “Then Oliver came to my room later.

I jerk my eyes off the road to look at her. “What did he say?”

“He actually had the nerve to apologize.” She snorts. “As if I’d believe him.”

As much as I want to believe Oliver does feel remorse for what happened, I’m not sure I believe him either, especially given the look he gave me a few moments ago. He may not have had a hand in releasing that video, but I’m sure he’s not broken up over it either.

“Just stay cautious, and if I’m not with you, try to stick with Charles.”

She huffs, her fingers tightening around mine. “This is ridiculous,” she growls. “I can’t believe I have to watch my back at school, all because my stepbrother has a stick up his ass.”

“It’s only until I take care of some shit and let it be known that you’re not to be fucked with.”

“It shouldn’t have come to this. If Oliver had just come to me and told me what his problem was, this all could have been avoided. Has he told you what his issue is with me?”