Page 18 of Treacherous

Although he doesn’t back down, I see the wariness in his eyes. “Rylee’s my friend, so it is my business. She’s not going anywhere with you.”

I get in his face, ready to plow my fist into his jaw, when Rylee steps between us. She puts a hand on both of our chests and shoves us away from each other. The party around us quiets down several decimals and the dance floor begins to clear.

“That’s enough,” Rylee inserts with a firm voice. She turns to Charles. “I’ll be okay. I’m just going to step outside to see what he wants. I’ll be back in a minute.”

He looks at her with concern. “You don’t have to.” He narrows his eyes at me. “This prick can go fuck himself.”

I wouldn’t call Charles a pussy—he normally stays in the background—but I’ve seen him face off with a couple guys before. He’s just never done it to anyone in the crowds I run with. Even so, he’s a hell of a lot smaller than I am, and brave as fuck to stand up to me. I’d hate to fuck up his pretty face, but if he doesn’t calm his shit that’s exactly what I’ll do.

“I know I don’t have to, but I’m going to.” She smiles, but even I can tell it’s forced. “Why don’t you grab us another drink while you wait.”

The muscles in his jaw bunch as he grinds his teeth. His eyes flicker from Rylee to me, then back to Rylee. “Fine. But all I’m giving you is five minutes. That’s it, Rylee.”

If it wasn’t so ludicrous to think he could actually take me, I’d laugh in his face. Man points to him for being willing to have his ass handed to him.

Rylee turns to me, and the look in her eyes would scare the shit out of most grown men. To me, it’s just amusing. I bare my teeth in a faux smile and hold my arm out toward the front door. “Lead the way.”

She huffs as she stomps away, and fuck if my eyes don’t go straight down to watch her ass move with attitude. My cock stiffens, and I mentally berate the traitor as I follow her.

Get with the program, you prick. We don’t like her.

Once we’re out in the yard where only a few stragglers are scattered about, she spins to face me. She opens her mouth, surely to berate me, but I hold up my finger. I turn to the couple who were making out against a tree, but now have swiveled toward us, their dazed eyes darting between Rylee and me.

“Leave,” I snarl, and they scurry away.

The next thing I know, I have a finger poking my chest. “What was so important you threatened to drag me out here?” she asks, practically shooting fire from her eyes.

I get right to the point. “Where did you get your drink?”

She takes a step back, her brows dipping. She looks at the cup in her hand, then back at me. “What?” Her tone is incredulous and a bit confused.

I release a sigh and rub my forehead. “Your drink, Rylee. Who gave it to you?”

She blinks a couple of times, still looking baffled. “I don’t know. Some guy at the door was handing them out.”

I tip my head up and grind my molars together. How the hell could this woman be so fucking stupid? When I look back down, she has the cup to her lips. I dart forward and snatch it from her hands, spilling some of the liquid on the ground between us, before I toss the cup to the side.

“What the hell is your problem?” she growls, balling her little fists by her side like she’s dying to launch them at me.

“You are,” I answer heatedly. “You don’t take drinks from people you don’t fucking know and trust. Unless you’re asking to be roofied and forced to do shit you won’t remember tomorrow, but you’ll damn sure feel.”

Her eyes widen in shock and the red on her face from her anger melts away, leaving her pale. She looks around for a moment before bringing her eyes back to me. “That really happens at these things?”

I barely refrain from rolling my eyes. “Yes.”

“Oh.” Her eyes drop to the ground between us.

“If you insist on being here, you only take drinks from Charles. Got it?”

She lifts her head and shame is written in her features. The look quickly morphs into curiosity. “Why do you care anyway?”

I scoff. “I don’t care what happens to you.” The lie rolls off my tongue easily. I may not like the bitch, but I wouldn’t want any woman to be taken advantage of. That shit is not how I roll. “But if something does, every guy in there will be a suspect. I don’t need that shit in my life.”

Her lips tighten in irritation. “Maybe next time you can warn me without being a dick.”

“Don’t count on it, sugar.”

“Whatever,” she mutters and walks away, leaving me out on the lawn.