Page 83 of Treacherous

“I guess I’m starting to see that,” he admits, switching his weight from one foot to the other.

“Have you ever sat down with your dad and asked him point blank? You’re so busy assuming everything, maybe if you get his side you’ll see things in a new light.”

“My dad isn’t the easiest person to talk to. And I don’t have to ask him, I heard it all from my mom.”


t parent is easy to talk to? And did you ever stop to think that maybe your mom spoke to you out of anger and hurt that her marriage was ending?”

“She wouldn’t do that.”

“Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn’t. But is it really worth all this, just to avoid having a simple conversation with someone to clear the air and get to the truth? And now, because for whatever reason you thought it would be easier to take your shit out on me, you’ve not only hurt me, but you’ve hurt someone you claim is like a brother to you.”

“He is my brother.”

“Given everything you’ve put me through, I shouldn’t be surprised that you would treat your brother that way then, should I? Because now it’s not just me you’ve hurt, but Zayden as well.”

“I know that. And it makes me sick.” He grimaces. “For what it’s worth, I am sorry. I’m sorry for how far things went. I’m sorry for all the immature schemes. For invading your privacy. For going out of my way to humiliate you. I know it doesn’t mean much now, but I want you to know it’s over. All of it.”

“I really hope you mean that.”

“I do. And I’m going to fix this with Zayden. You have my word. I’ll come clean and tell him everything I did.”

“He’s never going to forgive me, is he?” I ask in a moment of weakness.

Even though I know what happened last night isn’t my fault, it doesn’t make what happened any less real. I was still there. I was still in bed with another man—whether things had gotten very far or not. I still betrayed him—or at least I feel like I did.

“He will. I know Zayden—sometimes a little too well.” He chuckles to himself. “He doesn’t forgive easily, but it’s not you he needs to forgive, it’s me.” His lips turn downward. “I’ve known Z for years and I’ve never seen him tore up over a girl the way he was over you last night. Not ever. And that tells me that you’re really special to him. Zayden is hard to get close to, but if you can break past the barrier and get him to let you in, he’s one of the greatest people you will ever know. He’s fiercely loyal and protective. There isn’t a thing he won’t do for the people he loves. And if I had to guess, I’d say you’re among those people now.”

I don’t know how to react to that statement.

Oliver takes a step toward me, reaching out to lay a tentative hand on my shoulder. “I hope one day we can move past all this. If you’re going to be in Zayden’s life, then you’re going to be in mine.”

“Our parents are married. Pretty sure I’m in your life whether you like it or not,” I point out.

“This is true.” He smiles, dropping his hand. “But you know what I mean.”

“I do.”

“I guess I should give you some time alone. I know I’ve given you a lot to process and honestly, I’ve got a few things I need to work through myself.”


“I’ll track down Z and set everything straight. I know it’s not easy but be patient. This isn’t the first time he’s disappeared, and he never stays gone long. He’ll come back, and when he does, I’ll fix this. I promise.” He waits until I nod before stepping past me, pulling open my bedroom door moments later. “Oh, and you may want to give Charles a call. He was pretty worried about you last night,” he adds as he steps into the hallway, pulling the door shut behind him.


I CRUISE DOWN THE interstate, the radio on low, as I head back toward home. I have no desire to go back, but I know I need to. Not only for Dad and Danielle, but also because I can’t afford to miss more school. Today’s Tuesday, and while it’s only a couple of days of missed schoolwork, I refuse to let Rylee fuck up my life any more than she has.

My blood heats as my anger comes back. I refuse to acknowledge the incessant pain in my chest, choosing instead to focus on the rage. I still can’t believe how much of a fool I was. How easy it was for her to get to me. I’m usually a good judge of character, but with her, my attraction blinded me. I should have stuck with my original assessment. Spoiled rich bitch.

I grip the steering wheel so tight my fingers cramp. The rest of the school year is going to be hell. While I could pull an Oliver and pay her back in kind, I’m done with the games. Fuck Rylee. Fuck Oliver. Fuck the entire fucking school. There’s only a few more months left before graduation. With Danielle on the transplant list, there’s no dire need for me to be around as much. I’ve got enough money saved up to get an apartment close to campus, no matter where I decide to go, and to still help dad out financially. I’ll come back as much as I can, but as soon as school lets out, I’m out of here.

When I walk through the front door an hour later, I’m immediately accosted by a nine-year-old hurricane.

“I missed you,” she mumbles against my chest, tightening her arms around my waist.

I smooth her hair from her cheeks and tip her head back so she’s looking at me. Her breathing is labored, so I pick her up and carry her to the couch where her oxygen tank is. Guilt eats at me when she takes the mask and settles it over her mouth and nose, pulling in several deep breaths.