Page 69 of Treacherous

“I will be.” I kiss her one more time before glancing at Charles. “Take care of my girl.”

Lifting his hand to his forehead, he salutes me. “I’ll kick anyone’s ass who comes close to her.”

“Why don’t you leave the ass kicking to Hammer and me? I’d hate to have to carry you out of here over my shoulder,” I reply, only partially in jest. I’m sure Charles can hold his own in some situations, but he isn’t known here. There’s no reason for anyone to help him if he needed it.

He looks around at the wild group of people. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Just make sure you don’t get your ass kicked.”

“Not happening.”

Reaching back, I yank my shirt over my head, handing it to Rylee. She clutches it to her chest, her eyes briefly raking over my naked chest. I flex my pecs, just to watch her expression. I chuckle when she licks her lips and darts her eyes up to mine.

I lean down until my lips are at her ear. “Be prepared to lose Charles after the fight. I’ve been fucking dying for another taste of you since I walked out of your room last week.” I press a kiss below her ear, then take a step back.

Her cheeks are pink and she looks a little breathless, just the way I want her. To leave her with thoughts of all the ways my tongue will run over her beautiful body.

With one more look, I tip my chin to Hammer, and he steps up beside Rylee. I spin on my heel and walk away before I decide to skip the fight and get her out of this place.

All my good thoughts die away when I step into the center of the open area and spy my opponent off to the side. He has a few inches on me, but our build is the same.

When I notice where his eyes are directed, boiling rage fills my veins. His lips form a slow smirk as he pulls his eyes away from my girl and directs them at me. He’s either really fucking stupid or ballsy as fuck. I’m sure he knows of my winning status, just like I know of his. He’s got no clue his winning streak is about to end.

I keep my eyes pinned on the motherfucker as Hart steps into the center of the room and begins introducing us and calling out the few rules he expects all fighters to follow.

I stalk forward the moment Hart’s out of the way, ready to get this shit over and done with.

His smirk stays on his face as he meets me in the middle.

“That’s a nice piece you have there,” he taunts. ?

?Looks like she’s a little hot and bothered. Maybe once I take your ass out, I’ll fix that problem for her.”

I clamp my molars together, refusing to let him bait me. That shit may work on some fighters, but I’m smarter than that. It only adds more fuel to the fire raging inside me. I don’t get sloppy when I’m angry, it ups my game.

This guy has signed his death warrant.

When he doesn’t get the response he was hoping for, he takes his first swing, and I let it connect with my jaw. It fucking hurts like a bitch, but doesn’t jar me too bad, and it gives him the sense of the upper hand.

I slowly turn back to face him, to see him still grinning, his white teeth shining in the light. I spit out a mouthful of blood onto the concrete and let my eyes speak of the hell he’s about to go through.

When he throws his next punch, I put up an arm and block it, then follow through with an uppercut that has him staggering back and almost falling on his ass. One of the reasons I’ve stayed undefeated is because my punch packs a shit-ton of weight.

He regains his balance and his head swings my way. His surprised gaze meets mine, and it’s my turn to smirk.

Yeah, fucker. It’s not going to be as easy as you thought.

The next time he throws his arm forward, aiming for my face, I duck and deliver a hit to his kidney. While he’s hunched over, I land another punch to his jaw. He falls on his ass, then continues down until he’s on his back, dazed but still conscious.

But I’m not done with him. I want his ass completely out, so I straddle him and sit on his chest, wailing on his face. Blood splatters out of his nose and mouth with each hit he takes.

By the time I’m pulled off him, his face is covered in blood and his nose looks like it’s sideways.

“Enough,” someone barks in my ear as I’m dragged off him. I glare down at the bastard, satisfied when he doesn’t move and his eyes stay closed.

That was way too fucking easy. The fight was over within minutes. How the hell could he be undefeated? Unless they have pussies fighting over in Wilmot County.

Remembering the way he looked at Rylee, and the words he spoke to me, I sure as fuck wish it had lasted longer.

I’m handed a towel, but before I use it to wipe my face, I look to where I left Rylee. She’s sandwiched between Charles and Hammer, her hand at her mouth, her eyes wide. She notices my gaze and slowly lowers her hand, a wide grin stretching across her face.