Page 67 of Treacherous

“You sure you don’t want to come?”

“I’m sure. I’m gonna go make some Ramen and spend the rest of the evening trying to figure out this calculus homework.”

“You work too hard,” she tells me.

“I learned from the best,” I shoot back.

“Touché.” I can hear the smile in her voice. “Well, I won’t keep you. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will. Love you, Mom.”

“Love you, too.”

Dropping the device onto the bed next to me, I collapse back onto the mattress.

Today took an unexpected turn, but it wasn’t entirely a surprise. Zayden and I have been skirting a very fine line for a few days now. It was only a matter of time before things began to escalate. Even still, I can’t wrap my head around all of it.

Daydreaming about what something might be like and a

ctually having it come to fruition are two very different things, and while I’m beside myself with excitement, I’m also in a little bit of disbelief.

If I thought it was hard keeping my thoughts off Zayden before, it’s going to be damn near impossible now.

I close my eyes and remember the way it felt when his fingers slid into my panties. The nervousness coupled with a longing I’ve never felt before. I don’t think I have ever wanted something so intensely in my life. And that orgasm… That can’t be normal. I’ve had my fair share of orgasms, and I haven’t experienced anything even remotely close to that before. It was like I was a musical instrument and Zayden’s fingers were made with the sole purpose of playing me.

And then I think back to what he said before he left. I can’t wait to do that again. And the only thought I have is… neither can I.


I CLASP RYLEE’S HAND tightly in mine as we walk down the dark hallway, Charles a few steps behind us. Adrenaline rushes through my veins, and for the first time, it’s not only from the upcoming fight.

Part of me hates the idea of Rylee being surrounded by the type of people who are downstairs. Just the thought of something happening to her has my free hand clenching, ready to pummel something.

But I have to admit, a small part of me is looking forward to having her here. Fighting has been a big part of my life for the last couple of years. With Danielle getting the approval to be put on the transplant list, I don’t need to fight anymore. I didn’t have to come tonight, but I can’t leave Hart in a bind. Besides, it’s become something I enjoy. It allows me to let out all of the aggression I’ve felt for years. It’s an outlet I need.

Most people would think having Rylee here would be a distraction, but she’ll add even more motivation for me to win. There’s no fucking way I’d allow her to see me lose.

I stop at the basement door and turn to face her. “Anytime you want to leave, just say the word and we’re out,” I tell her sternly. “If I’m in the middle of a fight, you tell Charles.”

I look at Charles and he nods. “Got it.”

“You stay with Charles the whole time, and you both stay with Hart’s guy. Got it?” She nods. “Words, Rylee,” I bark.

She lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’ve got it, Zayden. Calm down.”

I put my face closer to hers.

“This is no joke. People get hurt here. People who aren’t in fights. An accidental shove could land you in the hospital with broken bones or a concussion. Do you have any idea what I would do if that happened to you?” She gnaws on her bottom lip but doesn’t say anything. “I’ll kill any fuckers who dare touch you.”

Her eyes widen and her lips part. I lean down and kiss her. I didn’t want to freak her out, but she needs to know how serious the situation can be.

She licks her lips when I pull back. She seems nervous when she says quietly, “I’ll stay with Pierce and Hart’s guy.”

“Thank you.”

I dart a glance at Charles to see an amused expression on his face. Ignoring him, I grab Rylee’s hand again and open the basement door. Raucous noise greets us as we make our way down the stairs. My muscles tense as we round the corner and I take in the over-packed room. Fight nights are always busy, but it seems even more crowded than usual. There’s hardly any walking room.

I spot Hart’s shiny bald head through the crowd, standing in the same corner he always stands in before a fight. I pull Rylee behind me as we walk toward him. When he notices our approach, he turns from the guy he’s talking to and holds out a fist for me to bump.