Page 58 of Treacherous

“Whether you meant for it or not, the fact still remains that it was. And from what I can tell, you’ve taken no ownership and haven’t even apologized for it.”

“I did apologize—not that it’s any of your fucking business.” Gone is his flirtatious playfulness, replaced by a tone I’m all too familiar with.

“Apologizing because daddy made you isn’t apologizing.”

“Pretty sure you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“Pretty sure I know more than you think,” she fires back. “Since you won’t tell Rylee what she did to make you hate her so much, perhaps you’d like to enlighten me.”

“And why would I do that?”

“I don’t know—maybe it would help if you got it off your chest.” Her voice softens, but I can still hear the anger lacing her words.

“Doubtful.” He snorts. “And if I was going to talk to someone about this, it certainly wouldn’t be you.”

“Why? Because you’re afraid I’ll see what a cowardice piece of shit you are? Newsflash—that ship has long since sailed.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my house and speaking to me like this?”

“I’m Savannah fucking Reynolds, that’s who.” I cover my mouth with my hand to contain the laughter threatening to spill from my throat. I’ve always known V could handle her own, but I never imagined she’d be so ballsy to go toe to toe with Oliver like this. “And in case you’ve forgotten, but I’m guessing you haven’t, this is my best friend’s house, too,” she quickly concludes.

“Like hell it is.”

“She lives here, doesn’t she?” Her voice has turned sickly sweet, and I know her well enough to know that at this point she’s purposely egging him on.

“She wouldn’t if I had any say in the matter.”

“She wouldn’t or her mother wouldn’t? Why don’t you say the real reason you’re so butt hurt? It’s because your daddy remarried and you’re worried it might cut into your inheritance, isn’t it?”

“I won’t deny that his new wife is a money hungry slut. Facts are facts.”

At this point, I’m not sure if I’m still standing stock still because I’m in shock, or if it’s because I know if I move I’ll end up doing something I will likely regret.

“Evelyn is not money hungry. Or do I need to remind you that she’s a freaking neurosurgeon. You think she doesn’t have more than enough money on her own? And she’s the furthest thing from a slut. Say that again and you’ll find my tolerance of you short lived.”

I’m not surprised to hear Savannah stick up for my mom. She’s been like a second daughter to her for most of her life.

“Not a slut, huh?” Oliver sneers. “What do you call her fucking my dad behind my mom’s back then?”

His words send my heart crashing against my rib cage.

“She would never,” Savannah argues.

“She would and she did. They’ve been fucking each other for well over a year.

Did you really think they got married after only dating a few short months? This shit has been going on a lot longer than they’ve been willing to admit to anyone.”

“You’re lying. You’re grasping at straws, trying to say something that will justify what you’re doing to Rylee.”

“Am I? Why don’t you ask your precious Evelyn? I was home the night my mom confronted him and he didn’t deny it. Hell, he all but celebrated the fact that she finally knew. And then you know what he did? He threw my mother out and left her with no choice but to go stay with her sister in Utah. But I’m guessing mommy dearest failed to tell her perfect little daughter this fact.”

As much as I don’t want to believe what he’s saying, a part of me has always wondered.

“And yet, here you are. If you’re so angry with your father, why not go live with your mom?”

“You think I don’t want to?” His voice echoes through the kitchen. “It’s not like either of them gave me a choice in the matter.”

“Let’s say what you’re saying is true—why Rylee? She’s an innocent in all of this. Same as you. What could you possibly hope to accomplish by hurting her the way you have?” The two are silent for a long moment before Savannah answers her own question. “You think if you make her miserable enough, you’ll drive a wedge between Evelyn and your dad.”