Page 50 of Treacherous

“Actually, I have. You told me he got mad at you because he was worried someone would slip something in your drink at a party. Then, he got all bent out of shape that you showed up at his illegal fight because he claimed it wasn’t safe for you. Swoon.” She sighs dramatically. “And then he showed up at your house when he knew Oliver wasn’t there and he kissed you. Then, he picked a fight with you in the hallway the next day and kissed you again—because let’s be real, it’s probably all he could think about after kissing you the first time. Then, he tries to warn you that Oliver is up to something, and when you didn’t listen, he swooped in and saved the day—taking you away. Do you want me to keep going, because what happened next is even juicier?”

“No, I think I got your point.” I shake my head even though she can’t see me.

“He’s into you, Rylee. He knows it. I know it. So do us all a favor and stop pretending like you don’t know it.”

“I don’t know, V. I mean, sometimes when he looks at me, like today, I feel like maybe he feels it, too—this overwhelming chemistry we seem to share. But he’s so all over the place that I don’t feel like I can get a good read on him. I can’t help but feel like maybe he’s just messing with me.”

“Why would he be messing with you?”

“The same reason he’s been messing with me from the beginning,” I say like it should be obvious. “Oliver.”

“If what you told me about today is true, I don’t think he’s messing with you, Ry. Don’t get me wrong, I get your hesitation, I really do, but don’t let that hold you back from exploring things with him. I haven’t heard you this excited about a guy since Jackson Bradley in fifth grade.”

“That’s not true. Or are you completely forgetting about Parker?”

“That’s my point. You dated Parker for how long? And even then you never talked about him the way you talk about Zayden. And it’s not about what you’re saying, it’s about how you’re saying it.”

“You act like you know me so well.” I don’t try to hide my annoyance, even though I know she’s right.

She really does know me that well. And she’s not wrong about Zayden. There’s something there. Something I can’t put my finger on. Something beyond his obvious good looks and popularity status. Something raw and real. Something that I cannot shake. And truthfully, I don’t know if I want to shake it.

“I think sometimes I know you better than I know myself.” She laughs.

“And that is why I miss you so damn much,” I whine. “If you were here, things would be so much ea


“I may not be at school with you, but I’m still here. Always. You know that.”

“I do.” I let out a puff of air, rolling to my side on the bed. “But it’s not the same. I hate always looking over my shoulder, never knowing who I can trust.”

“I get that. But you have Pierce. And you mentioned another friend you made—what’s her name, Brielle?”


“See, you have friends. Maybe you haven’t known them as long as you’ve known me, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have your back. Pierce seems like a pretty awesome friend. I’m actually looking forward to meeting him.”

“Speaking of meeting people—are you still planning on coming over Saturday? I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve hung out.”

“Yes, and I cannot wait. I think this is the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing each other.”

“It is the longest we’ve ever gone,” I confirm.

“I’ve already got a list of everything I need to bring for the night’s festivities. Facials. Manis and pedis. All the junk food your little heart desires. I’m bringing out the big guns. After the week you’ve had, I think you need it.”

“God, that sounds perfect. I just want to forget about everything that happened today and spend some much-needed time with my best friend.”

“Everything that happened today?” she questions knowingly, bringing Zayden back to the forefront of my mind.

I close my eyes, and I can see his face perfectly. The dip in his chin, his unruly hair, his stark blue gaze. Just the thought of him causes my heart to do a little flip in my chest. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s all I think about most days. I can’t help it. And after today, I feel utterly consumed by him.

“Okay, almost everything,” I admit, a smile gracing my lips.

I didn’t think it was possible to feel this good after what happened at school today, but Zayden seemed to know exactly what I needed and how to push me past it. Hell, he even got me to agree to go to school tomorrow when hours ago I was swearing I’d never step foot in those hallways again.

Something tells me there’s very little Zayden couldn’t talk me into. I’m just not sure if that’s a good thing or not.

And while I’m still mortified by what Oliver did today, facing it seems a lot less scary with Zayden by my side. Which makes no sense at all considering he’s been on the opposing team up to this point, playing against me. But it’s still true. He makes me feel… better. Stronger. Braver. And I don’t know if he even realizes it.