His lips are locked together in a solid line, and I know he wants to protest, but after a moment, he turns on his heel and leaves the room. I turn and face Grace.

“I know this must be weird for you,” she asserts calmly.

That’s a bit of an understatement. If she were a simple friend to Aziah, it wouldn’t be weird. If I was just a friend, it wouldn’t be weird. But she’s his ex-lover, and I’m hoping one day to be his lover. So yeah, it’s very weird and uncomfortable.

“Emo never talked about you; I think it was too painful for him. But I still knew about you through Trouble, JW, and Judge. I never asked for the details because it wasn’t my business, but I know you and he share a very disturbing and painful past. Emo holds so much guilt over it, I was sure it would one day destroy him. I watched for years as he slowly sank further and further into the darkness until it nearly consumed him. It was agonizing for me because no matter how I tried to help him, it was never enough.”

“Grace,” I choke out, an ache forming in my chest. I don’t know this woman, except for what Remi’s told me, but I can plainly see she genuinely cares about Aziah.

“It’s okay. I’m okay.” She brushes another tear away. “Do you want to know why?”


“Because I know he’ll have you.” I inhale sharply. “I don’t have to know you to know you’ll take care of him. I also know he’ll fight it and claim he doesn’t deserve happiness, when we both know that’s utter bullshit.”

I can’t help it, a laugh bursts out of me. She smiles, and for the first time since she arrived, it’s genuine.

“That man deserves more happiness than anyone I know, and I have no doubt you were meant to give it to him. From the moment I heard you were alive and here in Malus, a part of me was devastated because I knew our time was over. But a larger part was happy, because I knew if there was anyone who could truly help him, it was you. You’ve been his heartache and biggest regret for years, and now it’s time for you to show him he does deserve to be happy and whole and that he’s a beautiful man with a big heart. That he has something to live for.”

My hand is at my mouth with tears flowing down my cheeks. My chest aches from holding my breath.

“I’m so sorry,” I croak. I’m sorry for so many things, but I’m mostly sorry because she’s hurting too.

“Don’t be. Emo is an incredibly special man, and I’m blessed to have known him and been able to help him in any way I could, even at my own painful expense. It’s time for me to move on and hopefully find my own happiness.”

Strengthening my resolve, I walk to her and envelop her into my arms. Maybe it’s strange that I’m hugging the woman who used to be Aziah’s lover, but to be honest, I don’t care. Grace is just as special as Aziah, and I’m so grateful she was there for him when he needed her.

“Don’t let him push you away,” she whispers in my ear.

“Never,” I whisper back, my voice strong and sure.

I will never, as long as I have breath in my body, ever give up on Aziah.




With my arms crossed over my chest, I stand at Trouble’s front window and stare out at the front yard as I wait for him. I thought about this day a lot over the last several weeks. I’ve anticipated it and dreaded it. I’ve often wondered how Rella will react. Will she be pleased? Or will it disgust and frighten her? Will she use it to help her overcome some of her demons? Or will it cause her to retreat back into her shell?

I believe this is what she needs, and I hope that I’m right.

Trouble appears beside me, hands stuffed into his pockets, facing the front yard.

“I’m going to show her today,” I tell him quietly.

The air stiffens around us, and I feel his eyes on me. “You sure that’s wise right now?”

I understand his concern. What I’m going to show her is going to be a huge shock. He knows I’d never do anything to harm or upset her, but I’m still surprised he doesn’t outright try to forbid it.

“It’s time. She has a right to know.”

He nods, but I still feel the anxious vibes coming off him. They’ll only get worse with my next statement.

“I’m going to ask her if she wants to be a part of it.”

“No,” Trouble says harshly, turning to face me. “That’s where I draw the line. She doesn’t need to be anywhere near it, Emo.”