Aside from the initial nervousness when we first found her in the closet, Melody was too put-together to be just a woman who killed her abuser. She should have been a nervous wreck, possibly crying hysterically. Her hand may have been trembling when she held the gun, but she knew exactly how to handle the weapon. Without looking, she knew where the safety was and how to flip it off and on. And the way she easily slid the gun into the back waistband of her pants looked natural, like she had done it a hundred times. And the suppressor. Those aren’t easily found.

“I’ll have JW look into it once we’re back in Malus.”

Back at the car, we take off back to the hotel we’re staying in. Tomorrow morning, we’ll board our plane and touch down in San Antonio at three thirty. An hour and a half after that, we’ll be home. We left yesterday evening and have been gone a little over twenty-four hours. It feels more like a week.

“How did things go with Rella?”

I clench my teeth. “She found me in the tub with my arms torn to shreds.” There’s no sense in lying to him. Although I won’t be telling him about having his sister hit me with the belt. He’d probably shoot me and dump my body on the side of the road. I also won’t be telling him about the shower and kiss. That’s none of his business.

“Goddammit, Emo,” he growls, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. “She doesn’t need that shit added to her plate.”

“I didn’t want her to see it either, but you let her leave your house,” I retort angrily.

“She’s a fucking adult. I can’t keep her there. Besides, she was worried about you, and you weren’t answering your phone when she called.”

“Because I needed time to think.”

“Yeah, well, you took too long.” He releases a sigh and shakes his head. “Anyway, it looked like everything was good when I got there.”

My heart starts to race when I remember the shower we took, even though that’

s not what he’s referring to. I can still feel her lips on mine and taste the sweet flavor of her tongue. I wish I could erase the memory, but a small part of me doesn’t want to. I want to hold on to it forever and never let it go.

“Everything’s fine now,” I grit out.

My fingers twitch, the need to touch my key lingering in the forefront of my mind. But I refrain from doing so, remembering Rella’s request. When I told her I couldn’t promise I wouldn’t use the key anymore, it was the truth. That piece of metal has been an extension of me for so long, I’m not sure how to function without it. I’m not sure I want to function without it.

One thing I do know: once Rella discovers what that key unlocks, it’ll change both of our lives forever.



REMI AND I SIT AT THE table as she watches over Elijah as he eats. Only half the food makes it into his mouth, the other half on his face and floor. It’s both utterly adorable and poignant to watch him eat, knowing I’ll never be able to do the same with my own child.

“Have you heard from Trouble?” I ask, pulling my head away from the depressing thoughts.

Using a dish rag, she begins cleaning Elijah’s hands. “A few hours ago. They had just boarded their second flight.” She looks down at the time on her phone. “They should have landed in San Antonio about an hour ago.”

I drum my fingernails on the table, anxiety pulling at my nerves.

“How many times have they done this?”

“Since we’ve been together?” she asks, glancing at me, frowning and chewing on her lip. “Nine times. Although not all of them have been for Sweet Haven citizens. They went after a few people who they received phone calls about.”

Nine times. Nine times they could have been caught and carted off to jail for murder. My gut clenches at the thought. I firmly believe those people got what they deserved, but not at the expense of Aziah, Trouble, JW, or Judge’s freedom.

“How are you sitting here not freaking out? I’m on the verge of getting hives just thinking about one of them getting caught.”

She unhooks Elijah’s highchair tray and pulls him onto her lap, then smiles at me. It doesn’t reach her eyes. “Believe me, I’m freaking out on the inside, but I’ve got Elijah to take care of, so I can’t let it affect me. All I can do is hope and pray they come back safe and sound.”

“Have you ever asked Trouble to stop doing it?”

“I’ve thought about it, but no. What they do is important to them. And I can’t help but think of all the people they’re saving. I wouldn’t ever want what happened to me and the little girl who was there with me to happen to someone else.”

My heart aches for Remi. Not only was she raped by her best friend’s father, but she also walked in on him raping a twelve-year-old little girl.

I reach out and lay my hand over hers. It’s getting easier to touch people. “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I say softly.