“No. The news stations are saying most were apprehended, but some were killed and some got away.”

“Maybe they were some of the ones who got away.”

The low whispers filter in and out of my foggy head. I swallow, then lick my dry lips. My eyes feel swollen, and I struggle to lift my eyelids. I squint because the light is too bright. It causes my head to pound.

Everything seems familiar. Like I’ve done this before. Except last time it was dark. I suck in a sharp breath when I remember waking up in Dr. Manor’s office. Remember him telling me everything was going to be different, right before he gave me something to make me sleep.

“Marco, she’s awake,” a female voice says.

I turn my head and find a man and woman across the room. The man turns away from the television and looks at me. The woman has her hands pressed together in front of her, the tips of her fingers touching her chin like she’s praying. They both walk over to the bed.

“Hello, Daisy,” the man says, smiling.

I look at them both warily. “Rella,” I say in a small voice.

“I’m sorry, dear. What was that?” The woman steps forward.

I clear my throat. “My name. It’s Rella.”

She frowns and glances at the man. His eyes are still on me, and I don’t like the way they look.

“I think we’ll stick with Daisy,” he says. “It’s more… fitting. You’re a beautiful, delicate little flower.”

He licks his lips, and it makes my stomach feel weird. Like I’m going to be sick.

“Isn’t she a beautiful flower, honey?”

The smile the woman gives the man matches the look in his eyes. Fear crawls down my spine, and I begin to shake.

“W-Who are you? Where’s m-my mom and dad?”

“There’s no need to be scared.” She lays a hand on my knee over the covers, and I freeze, scared to move away. “This is my husband, Marco, and I’m Gabriela. We’re friends of Harold and Jamie Moore. Your mom and dad thought it best you come stay with us for a little while.” She moves her hand up my leg and stops on my thigh, way too close to my private parts. “But something happened, so you’ll be staying with us for a long, long time now.”

“W-What happened?”

It’s the man named Marco who answers. “There were a bunch of police that showed up in Sweet Haven. Almost all of the adults were arrested.”

My eyes widen. What about Trouble and the others? What happened to Aziah?

“So, you see? It’s good that you came here when you did. We’re going to take good care of you, Daisy.”

I swallow down the vomit that’s coming up my throat. Tears begin falling down my cheeks. I don’t think I’m going to like the way they want to take care of me. Something tells me it’s going to be worse than when I was in Sweet Haven.

“Shh,” Gabriela whispers. She leans over, and I whimper when she presses her lips against mine. I try to turn my head away, but she grips my chin and holds it in place. “Don’t cry, dear. You, Marco, and I are going to have a lovely time.”

Something touches my neck, and a nasty shiver crawls down my spine when I look at Marco. He moves his finger down and across my collarbone. I cry harder when he touches the collar of my shirt.

“Yes,” he says. His eyes look strange, and his chest is rising and falling fast. I recognize the look from Mr. Masters on Hell Night. It terrifies me. “Everything is going to be just fine, little flower.” He smiles creepily again. “We’ll make you feel very welcome here.”

Trouble! Aziah! Please find me! Please help me!

I scream the words over and over and over in my head, but it does me no good. They can’t hear me.



I STARE DOWN AT THE headstone with my name on it. It’s strange and almost fascinating, knowing that for a long time, everyone else thought I was here, in the ground.