I stay behind trees and houses when I see the headlights of cars coming down the streets. It’s early i

n the morning, but still late enough for the adults to be done with their disgusting deeds of Hell Night. These cars aren’t ones that belong to the citizens of Sweet Haven. Some of them are plain black and some are police cars. There’s even a black van with the letters S.W.A.T on the side. When the van stops, the back door is thrown open and a bunch of men in black clothes with guns jump out, running toward different houses. I watch as they slowly raid each one.

As much as I like knowing they’ll take down the sickness in this place, I can’t help but feel resentment toward the police. They’re too fucking late. They should have come a week ago when Rella was still alive.

It takes me several minutes, but I finally make it to Trouble’s house. The police haven’t made it this far yet, so I don’t worry about being caught standing out in the open. As I stare at the big white house, I see a shadow come from the backyard. Before I get a glimpse of his face, I know it’s Trouble.

I want to run inside the house and demand his parents tell me where Rella is, even though I know it’s stupid and impossible that she’s still alive. I woke up last night after having a bad dream about Rella, and I could have sworn I heard the echo of her screaming. I went to the window and searched outside, but saw nothing. When I went outside to have a better look, straining my ears to listen, I still didn’t find anything, and the screams didn’t come again. I knew it had to be my mind playing tricks on me, along with the residue of the dream I had just had, but I still couldn’t shake the sounds.

Trouble sees me in the street and runs over to me. He calls my name three times, but it’s not until he starts tugging on my arm that I acknowledge him.

“We gotta go before it’s too late and they catch us.”

“No. We can’t leave yet. We need to find her,” I whisper harshly, my voice cracking.

“You know she’s not here anymore. She’s gone. We all saw it.”

I turn my head and look at him, hating that he’s right. The stark pain in my chest feels like a physical blow when I think about the last time I saw her. There was so much blood.

“I heard her, Trouble. I swear I heard her screaming last night.” I look back at the house.

He steps in my path, blocking my view of the house. His face is twisted in pain, and I hate that my friend, my brother, is hurting so much. I hate that we’re all hurting so much.

A noise comes from my left, and Trouble steps closer to me. “We gotta go. We can’t be here anymore, or they’ll take us away and separate us.”

Judge and JW jog up to us. Judge says something to Trouble so low I can’t make out his words. I keep my eyes pinned on the dark house, sending every bit of hate I feel toward the structure. I wish I could wrap my hands around Trouble and Rella’s parents’ necks. To stare into their eyes and watch as their lives fade away. Then resurrect them and kill them another way. A thousand of their deaths wouldn’t be enough. They need to suffer for eternity.

Trouble jerks on my arm, and I snap my attention to him. “Let’s go,” I say darkly and turn to follow Judge and JW.

It takes us about fifteen minutes to get to The Hill where Mae and Dale are waiting behind the building. We all scramble in the back of their van.

As we drive away from the town that’s only ever been a place of horror, two thoughts enter my mind.

I hope like hell my father doesn’t wake up before the police leave.

And Rella’s suffering and her death will be avenged in the most brutal way possible.



I WEAR A TRAIL ON THE CARPET in the living room at Trouble’s house as I agitatedly pace back and forth. My steps are jerky and stiff, exactly how my body feels. The key in my hand digs into the scarred and desensitized flesh of my palm. The key represents Hell. Not just mine, but Rella’s as well.


She’s alive. Rella is alive. And here in Malus. Only one floor up from where I’m standing.

How in the hell is that possible?

And why in the fuck are they keeping me from seeing her?

I scowl at the staircase leading to the second floor where Trouble led Rella twenty minutes ago. I turn my dark look to JW, who’s casually leaning back against the banister, arms crossed over his chest. The dick won’t let me get past the first step.

I feel like a caged animal ready to pounce and rip out throats.

I squeeze my fist tighter against the key. The pain of the teeth biting into my skin used to soothe me. It still does, but whereas before a small prick did the job, now my body has become accustomed to the pain. Not to mention the nerve damage I’ve caused from the many times I’ve gouged the flesh. Now I need something deeper and more profound.

My palm becomes slick. I close my eyes and relish in the sting as I clench and unclench my fist, making sure the silver key digs in real deep.