“Promise me.”

A slight smile forms. “Promise.”

He searches her eyes for a moment, before he gives a clipped nod. What was that about? Caleb seemed like such a nice guy when I met him a few days ago. What kind of problem is Sierra having? I make a note to ask Judge later. It’s really none of my business, but I want to make sure it’s nothing I need to be concerned about since she’s offered to watch Maisy if I need her to.

“What about you, Eden? You and Thea staying?”

“Hmm….” She taps her lip with a finger. “Yes. We’d love to stay. I’ll call JW and make sure we don’t have any plans.”

Thirty minutes later, we’ve wrestled the kids from the pool. Thea came out with no complaints. Maisy pouted, but didn’t make much of a fuss. Elijah, on the other hand, bawled his poor little eyes out. Remi says it’s past his nap time, so he’s due to be cranky anyway.

As Eden and I cook dinner, it feels like there’s a permanent smile on my face as I watch Judge and Maisy interact with each other. Sometimes it’s still difficult to believe that we’re actually here with him. That Judge is back in our lives. Even without Maisy’s need for a kidney, I know with absolute certainty that it was the right decision to find him.

I only wish I had made it sooner and for a better reason.

Chapter Eighteen


I DIG MY THUMBS INTO the arch of Ellie’s foot before moving on to the sides and bottom of her heel. My mouth tips up at the corner when I hear a slight moan come from her. I used to rub her feet every night after she came to my apartment after work. She claimed I always knew just where and how hard to rub certain spots. I claimed she had the sexiest feet I had ever seen. She still does.

I miss those days so damn much.

I’m at one end of the couch with Ellie’s feet in my lap, while she’s lying down, her head turned to the side watching the television. She put something on when we first came in here, but I have no clue what it is, as my attention has been solely focused on her the whole time.

My dick has been hard for the last ten minutes. Ellie doesn’t know because I’ve purposely put her feet where she wouldn’t feel it.

“Tell me what’s going on with Sierra,” she asks, turning her head my way.

Leaving her foot behind, I start to gently message her Achilles tendon.

“A couple of months ago, JW found Sierra with a busted lip. She ended up confessing that Caleb gave it to her.”

She hisses in a sharp breath, her leg twitching in my hand.

“And she’s still with him?” she asks in disbelief.

“Unfortunately, yes.” I move to her other foot. “But I don’t think he’ll be laying a hand on her again.”

Her eyes turn suspicious. “What did you do?”

“My brothers and I beat the fuck out of him.” I give her the truth.

She’s quiet a moment before she says,

“Maybe I should feel sorry for him, but I can’t find it in me.”

“Good, because he doesn’t deserve any pity.”

“You know she has a crush on you, right?” I glance over and see one side of her mouth tipped up.

“And that doesn’t make you jealous?”

She shakes her head. “No. She’s too young to interest you.”

I release a sigh. “It started about a year ago. She was only seventeen at the time. She’d flirt and gaze at me with adoring eyes, stupid shit like that. She’s still a fucking kid to me.”

Ellie laughs. “I think it’s kinda cute.”