I really, really love this man. And I think he really, really loves me too. He has to, to be willing to give up everything for Maisy and me.

Reaching over, I snag his hand again. “We’re not going anywhere, Judge. I just wanted to make sure I still had that choice. What you have here in Malus would seem deranged to most. I’m not saying I fully agree with your methods, but I do understand what you’re trying to do.” I frown. “Although, I am fully on board with you taking the people out from your past.”

Relief hits his face, and his shoulders relax. He flips his hand over in mine and intertwines our fingers together.

“There’s something else I need to tell you.”

The way he says it has my back stiffening in unease. But then again, it can’t be any worse than what he’s already told me.

“What?” I ask, my voice strained.

His grip tightens around my hand, as if he’s afraid I’ll pull away.

“The two men who attacked you, the ones who were caught and sent to prison, I had someone… take care of them.”

I recoil, my heart sinking all the way to my toes.

“How?” I croak.

“JW found someone within the prison who would take care of them. They made it appear like a prison brawl had gotten out of control. That’s not all though.”

> I hold my breath and wait for him to continue.

“JW also located the third guy.”

“What? Oh my God. Are you sure?”

“Yes, we’re sure. The stupid fuck has been in contact with one of the two in prison. Apparently, they’re cousins. His name is Billy Collins, but he’s been going by the name Billy Coburn. Coburn is his mother’s maiden name.”

“Holy shit,” I breathe. “This is unbelievable.” My heart starts pounding in my chest. “Have you called the police and told them?”

There’s a stubborn set to his jaw as he says darkly, “The police won’t be involved. I sent Emo after the guy to bring him back here. That was the message I got earlier. Emo just got back with him.”

I jerk back, and a small gasp leaves my lips. Terror tries to claw its way inside me, but I fight the fear.

“I’m telling you this because you need to know. The motherfucker will pay at my hands.”

A lump forms in my throat, and it feels like a thousand pounds sitting on my chest. The thought of that man being so close leaves me dizzy and unhinged.

I clear my dry throat.

“W-what are you going to do with him?”

“Give him exactly what he deserves for hurting you,” he answers with conviction.

“I want to be there,” I blurt out of nowhere, surprising not only Judge but myself as well.

I see the refusal in his eyes before it rolls off his lips. “No.”

“Do you know part of the reason why I didn’t put up much of a fight to move here?” I don’t give him time to answer. “Or the reason why I never dated in twelve years?” Lifting my hand, I place it against his cheek, the bristle from his five o’clock shadow abrading my palm. “I was scared. The alley they forced me into was dark. I never got a good look at their faces. So, the one who got away, I never knew what he looked like. He could have been anyone. It took me months to leave the house, and even then, I was constantly looking over my shoulder. Twelve years later, and I was still looking, although not as often. I’m tired of worrying where he is and if he’ll come after me should we ever cross paths again.” I straighten my spine. “Please, Judge. I need to do this.”

Several emotions slide over his face, and each one says he doesn’t want me there. Pain is the last one and it stays there as he stares at me for several long seconds.

Finally, he gives a clipped nod. “Okay.”

Leaning forward, I slide my hand to the back of his head and press my lips against his mouth. “Thank you.”

“Tomorrow, I’ll have Misty and Derek watch Maisy. They’re watching Elijah for Trouble and Remi.”