He scratches the side of his trimmed beard, a chuckle rumbling from him. He leans down and kisses the top of Maisy’s head.

“Never could pull one over on you.” He pauses. “I guess I’m going to ask her out while I’m here.”

I smile, very pleased with his answer.

We spend a few more minutes talking until Judge calls us to the table for dinner. Maisy spends the entire time we’re eating enlightening Declan on everything that’s happened since we moved here. We all watch her with indulgent smiles, thoroughly enjoying her chatter.

It still amazes me how much she’s changed since her surgery. Every day she’s becoming more and more like the little girl she was before her illness.

I look to Judge, and his grinning eyes move my way. Giving him a tender smile, I look back to Maisy. Not for the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last, I thank my lucky stars to have such wonderful people in my life.

THE NEXT DAY, JUDGE and I walk hand in hand down the sidewalk. Maisy is with Eden, JW, and Thea for the afternoon. We just left them at The Hill after having dinner with them. Mae was there as well, but she was behind the bar. When I looked at Judge in question, he explained that she’s part owner. Although she’s stepped back a lot because of her age and health, she still likes to come in sometimes.

“Layla, Jamie, and Gillian want to meet you,” Judge says quietly.

I almost trip over my own feet when I jerk to a stop and stare at him.

“Why?” The question comes out squeaky.

He turns to face me, drawing me closer by my hips.

“Because they want to get to know you.”

“Why in the world would they want to do that? I mean, they’re your old lovers, and I’m….” I shrug. “I’m your new one.”


is eyes narrow into slits. “You’re more than my lover, Ellie. Much fuckin’ more.”

I nod, conceding. What we have is much more than a lovership. Is that a word? It should be. What Judge makes me feel is so much more than I ever thought possible. And I like to think he feels the same.

“It’s irrelevant anyway. Why would they want to be friends with someone who essentially took you away from them?”

He takes my hand and lays it on his chest between us. “Because they’re friends, and friends care about each other.”

I eye him suspiciously. “Do you see them a lot?”

The other day when I found out about the women, it was stupid for me to even think he would cheat on me. Judge doesn’t have a cheating bone in his body. But it still doesn’t sit well with me that he’s been seeing them platonically.

From the tic in his jaw, my question has irritated him. “Only in passing, and a few innocent text messages. Do you want to know why?” I jerk my chin up. “Because I knew it would bother you.” His fingers press my hand harder against his sternum, and I feel the steady beat of his heart. “This right here is yours, baby. Ain’t no one else getting it. They know that. They don’t want to know you to judge you, they want to know you because you’re important to me.”

“But would it be weird for them? Being around us both. Wouldn’t it hurt them to see us together?”

I have no idea why I’m worried about their feelings. Maybe it’s because I know it would be eviscerating to me if I were in their situation.

“No, because they only want to see me happy, even if that’s not with them. I want the same for them.”

I drop my eyes to his chest, my fingers flexing against the light blue material of his shirt. I don’t doubt Judge’s love for me, even though I still don’t know the reason behind him breaking up with me all those years ago. Our love was so easy back then, and it’s just as easy now. Nothing that feels this right could ever be wrong.

It’s not him I worry about, but his ex-lovers. How could they so easily give up on a man like Judge? How could they so easily give him over to me without a fight?

I lift my head and give him the truth. “Tell them to give me some time. I’m not saying no, just not yet. This is still very new for us. Maisy doesn’t even know yet.”

He nods and tips my head back by my chin for a kiss. “I’ll tell them.”

“Thank you for understanding and not pressing the issue.”

“I never want to put you in a situation where you’re not comfortable. If you need time, then that’s all you need to say. But I want you to know, you have nothing to worry about with them. They’re good people, and I think once you get to know them, you’ll find you actually like them.”