“You too, Judge.” He grips his hand for a shake. “I actually made better time than I thought I would.”

“Well, that’s good for us.”

I squeeze his arm before letting go and walking to Judge. He tosses his arm over my shoulders.

“How are things back home?”

“Boring and too quiet,” he answers with a chuckle. “But I’m adjusting.”

I give Declan a cheeky grin. “You should just pack up and move here,” I suggest, half joking, half serious.

Judge stiffens at my side, and I look up at him. He tries to hide it as he looks down at me with a smile, but I can tell it’s forced. What in the hell is that about? Why wouldn’t he want Declan to move here?

“I don’t know about moving here, but I was thinking of staying for a few days, if that’s okay,” Declan says, and I bring my eyes back to him.

It’s Judge who answers. “I’m sure Ellie and Maisy would love that.”

And speaking of the little angel, Maisy comes barreling down the stairs. “Uncle Declan!” she screeches.

He’s on his knees when she gets to him and he wraps her in a tight hug. Her little arms loop around his neck and she buries her face against his shoulder.

“Hey, munchkin. How have you been?” he asks after pulling back.

“I’ve been great! I’ve already made a friend.” She wrinkles her little nose. “She’s actually my aunt, but she’s my age. That’s so freaky, isn’t it?”

He ruffles her hair. “That is freaky, but kinda cool too, right? I mean, how many girls your age can say they have an aunt who’s the same age as her?”

She jerks her head up and down rapidly.

“I’ll let you three catch up,” Judge says, turning to me. “I need to go check on dinner.”

Bending to press a kiss against my lips, he pats my butt and walks off. I turn and watch him go, my eyes lingering on his backside. When I turn back, I find Declan’s eyes on me, a smirk tipping up one side of his mouth.

I shrug and grin then lead him over to the couch, where he sits with Maisy snuggled up to his side.

“So, everything going okay?” he asks.

His question is so much more than he’s letting on with Maisy in the room. He wants to know how things are going between Judge and me.

“Everything is going very good,” I say, giving as much as I can with little ears present. “Maisy had an appointment with her new nephrologist yesterday, and her results are still perfect.”

“That’s great news, kiddo!” He hugs her to him with an arm around her shoulders. “Looks like you’re going to be good as new.”

“Yep!” She beams at him.

“So, guess who I saw a couple of days ago?” I ask Declan, a smile playing on my lips.


“Susan.” A small laugh escapes me when I practically see his ears perk up. “And she asked about you. Apparently, she found out you were bringing Maisy’s and my stuff here.”

“Interesting,” he murmurs.

“Interesting indeed. The question is, what are you going to do?”

One brow lifts. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dense with me, Declan.” I laugh. “You know just what I mean.”