“It’s good to see you again, Ellie,” Mae says, patting away a couple of tears from her cheeks.

“Thank you for having us tonight.”

“Oh posh. You’re welcome here anytime.”

Maisy smile and nods.

Mae turns her cheek to me, and I bend and place a kiss against it.

“Everyone here already?” I ask.

“They are.” Mae turns to the door. “Come, the food is almost ready.” She looks at Maisy over her shoulder. “Judge told me Maisy’s on a low-sodium and protein diet. I hope what I cooked is okay.”

“I’m sure whatever it is, it’s fine, but I’ll let you know if we need to make any changes for her.”

Talking and laughter can be heard as we approach the kitchen. All eyes fly to Maisy and Ellie when we pass through the door, and an awkward silence ensues. Remi and Eden, unsurprisingly, beam bright smiles.

Knowing my two girls are probably uncomfortable with the silence and stares, I make quick introductions, using the terms aunt and uncle when it comes to Maisy, because that’s what they are to her.

Eden steps up. “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. Now that you’re both here, maybe Judge will stop being a grouch,” she says with a smile.

I narrow my eyes at the redhead and get a cheeky grin in return.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” Ellie responds with a laugh.

Maisy looks curiously at the quiet girl at Eden’s side. “So, I guess that means you’re my aunt, huh? That’s sorta weird since you’re my age.”

Thea’s smile is small, but there’s no mistaking the amusement in her eyes. “Yeah, it is weird.”

“Maybe we can be friends and pretend like we aren’t aunt and niece?” Maisy suggests.

“That would be nice.”

Remi comes up next and greets Ellie before squatting in front of Maisy.

When she holds out her hand to Maisy, my daughter releases the tight grip she has on me and takes Remi’s hand.

“Hello, beautiful Maisy. Has anyone told you that you look a lot like your dad?”

She nods. “My mom told me.”

Remi smiles, lifting her eyes to Ellie before looking back to Maisy. “She was right. And you have exactly the same eyes.”

Maisy beams, and my chest swells with the knowledge that she likes that she has my eyes.

Trouble steps up next. “How have you been feeling?”

“A whole lot better,” she answers.

He smiles gently at her, then glances at Ellie. “I’d like for you to bring her by my office in the next couple of days. I’m sure her regular checkup isn’t due yet, but since I’ll be her primary physician, I’d like to establish a record for her.”

“I’ll call and set up an appointment.”

Emo stays in the corner, quietly watching the exchange of greetings. He nods at Maisy and Ellie but doesn’t step forward for a more personal introduction. I didn’t really expect him to.

When JW comes up, he has a smirk on his face. He shakes Ellie’s hand first before turning to Maisy.

“I personally think you look like your mom more.” He wrinkles his nose, and I know some smartass remark is going to leave his lips. “You’re much too pretty to look like your daddy. He’s kinda ugly.”