“Could you, uh, tell me how to get there?”

The girl giggles. “It’s literally just around the corner.” She throws her thumb over her shoulder. “That way. Turn left and you won’t miss it.”

I offer a smile. “Thanks.”

The mirth drops from the girl’s face as she tilts her head to the side and regards me curiously. “You’re Ellie, right?” Her eyes move past me to car. “And that’s Maisy?”


I don’t know why, but my shoulders stiffen fractionally, and I step to the side, shielding Maisy from view. The girl notices, and her eyes crinkle into a friendly smile. I relax, suddenly feeling foolish. Malus is a small town, and I’m sure they don’t get a lot of visitors. So, when one does happen to appear, it’s natural to be curious.

“I’ve overheard Judge talking about you both.”

I raise my brows in surprise. Not that he wouldn’t talk about the daughter he just learned he had, not to mention the kidney he just gave her. But what does give me pause is that he’d talk about me enough for someone to overhear.

“He said you were both moving here,” she continues.

I nod. “We are.”

She looks back at the car again, and I can see the desire to lean around me to get a better look. I turn sideways, and when her eyes connect with Maisy’s, her smile spreads.

“She’s beautiful,” she remarks, sliding her gaze back to me.

I could say the same about her. Strawberry-blonde hair, pretty brown eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a perfectly trim body. The combination is stunning.

“Thank you.” I hold out my hand. “You know our names. It’s only fair we know yours.”

“Oh, yes!” She laughs, throwing her hand out. “Silly me. I’m Sierra, and this is my boyfriend, Caleb.”

I shake Caleb’s hand next. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

“Likewise,” he says, showing off his white teeth as he smiles. He’s not bad looking himself. Tall, with a swimmer’s build. Dark-brown hair, kind blue eyes, and a dimple in each cheek. They make a striking couple.

“So listen,” Sierra starts, “if you ever need a sitter for Maisy, let me know. I love children.”

I glance back at Maisy. She’s watching me with an impatient expression. I hold up one finger, indicating I’ll only be a moment more.

I turn back to the couple. “Umm… I’m not sure—”

“I know, you have to get to know me first,” she interrupts. “That’s cool and totally understandable. Maybe I can come by sometime this week, and we can all get to know each other?”

Her eyes light up with hope. The girl seems friendly enough and she has a cheery disposition. I have no doubt Maisy would get along well with her. It wouldn’t be for a few more weeks—I want to make sure she’s out of the woods before I leave her with someone—but maybe I’ll talk to Judge and get his opinion. He would know the kind of person Sierra is.

“I can’t make any promises, but I’m sure we can work something out. Why don’t you give me your phone number and I’ll give you a call?”

“Yah!” she says loudly, digging her phone from her pocket. I laugh softly at her excitement.

She gives me her number, and I call her phone so she’ll have mine.

“We’ll let you two go.” Caleb starts tugging on Sierra’s pocket. “I’m sure Judge is anxious to see you.”

“It was nice meeting you. I’ll look forward to your call.”

I wave and watch the couple go before turning to my door. I didn’t expect to run into someone so soon, I had hoped for a few days to get settled in before I ventured out to meet people, but they were really nice.

“Guess what, kiddo? I know where your dad is.” Maisy claps twice then fist pumps the air with both fists. “But that means no ice cream.”

She shrugs. “That’s okay. I’d rather see my daddy.”